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Texas Hibachi

"Hibachi" is a Japanese word that literally means "fire bowl." The "Texas hibachi" is a large-sized hibachi grill, usually a 55-gallon drum set on its side and with a…

Fry Sauce (French Fry Sauce; French Fries Sauce)

Fry sauce (sauce for french fries) is a popular state dish or Utah, but is now served in Oregon and other Western states. A simple recipe is one part ketchup and two parts mayonnaise. The Arctic…

Loose-Meat Sandwich

The "loose-meat sandwich" is usually identified with the Maid-Rite restaurant chain (since 1926) in Iowa. However, a "loose meat sandwich" was advertised for sale in a…

Frickles (fried pickles)

Fried pickles have long been popular in Texas and many parts of the South, but are now served all across the United States. "Frickles" is a new name often used for "fried…

Okratini (Okra + Martini)

Okra is a popular Southern food, but is it popular enough to be served with cocktails? The seldom-served "Okratini" (okra + martini) is simply the usual martini cocktail (gin and…

Wet Burrito (Burrito Enchilada Style)

A "wet burrito" is the same as a "burrito enchilada style." A burrito is prepared, and then it is smothered with red (or green) chili sauce and often melted cheese. The origin…

Sorority Sauce (ranch dressing)

"Sorority sauce" has been a slang nickname for "ketchup" since at least World War II. Since about 2006, ranch dressing has been called "sorority sauce" at Texas Tech…

Texas Lawyer Hunting (lawyer joke)

Lawyer hunting is not legal in Texas, but you wouldn't know that from the way this joke has spread around the internet. The first sighting of the joke appears to be 1993. Some 2006 versions of…

Texas Bilingual Lawyer (lawyer joke)

This Texas lawyer joke again shows how lawyers love money and don't respect the truth. The joke has appeared on the internet since at least 1997. Funny BoneJuly 15, 2006mexican bandit and…