A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from November 30, 2020
“Where do sensitive middle class dinosaurs send their kids?”/“Montessaurus school.”

Some Montessori school jokes involve a dinosaur called the “Montessaurus.”
“My friends want to send their kid to a Montessaurus school. Hey, the more children know about dinosaurs, the better” was posted on Twitter by Mike Collins on July 2, 2013. “Not gigging tonight, so a weak joke: where do sensitive middle class dinosaurs send their kids? Montessaurus school” was posted on Twitter by Ian Hawkins on July 5, 2013.
“What do you call a dinosaur that teaches preschool? A Montessaurus!” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on November 30, 2020.
Wikipedia: Montessori education
The Montessori method of education is an educational method developed by Italian physician Maria Montessori. Emphasizing independence, it views children as naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a sufficiently supportive and well-prepared learning environment. It discourages some conventional measures of achievement, such as grades and tests. Montessori developed her theories in the early 1900s through scientific experimentation with her students; the method has since been used in many parts of the world and in public and private schools alike.
Mike Collins
My friends want to send their kid to a Montessaurus school. Hey, the more children know about dinosaurs, the better.
9:30 PM · Jul 2, 2013·Twitter for Android
Ian Hawkins
Not gigging tonight, so a weak joke: where do sensitive middle class dinosaurs send their kids? Montessaurus school.
3:46 PM · Jul 5, 2013·Twitter for iPad
What do you call a middle class dinosaur who likes positively validating children? ...A montessaurus
5:51 PM · Dec 5, 2014·Twitter for iPhone
@pixxiedustt Where do dinosaurs leave their kids?
With the Montessaurus!
3:43 AM · Jan 31, 2015·Twitter for iPhone
Jamie Loafes
RT https://twitter.com/sbrezenoff/status/694559701736906753 Dinosaur exhibit at the MOA Children’s Museum. Scariest genus is the Montessaurus.
This Tweet is unavailable.
11:36 AM · Feb 2, 2016·IFTTT
Wreath Raniere
the most free-spirited dinosaur was the montessaurus
7:29 PM · Mar 21, 2015·Twitter for iPhone
Reigndeer of Fire
There was a dinosaur species that focused on teaching their juveniles important life skills: the Montessaurus
1:08 AM · May 26, 2017·Twitter Web App
Posted by u/Livid-Extreme November 30, 2020
What do you call a dinosaur that teaches preschool?
A Montessaurus!

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityEducation/Schools • Monday, November 30, 2020 • Permalink

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