Shopportunity (shop + opportunity)
"Shopportunity” (shop + opportunity) is a term that has been used in many retail store advertisements. "Shopportunity" has been cited in print since at least 1939 and…
"Shopportunity” (shop + opportunity) is a term that has been used in many retail store advertisements. "Shopportunity" has been cited in print since at least 1939 and…
"Showrooming" is when a potential customer examines a product in a brick and mortar retail store, but then purchases that product online -- where it may be cheaper (with a possible…
For those who don't like their Time Warner cable/internet service, "Slime Warner" has been used as a company nickname.…
The first-ever "Small Business Saturday" occurred on November 27, 2010 -- sandwiched between the post-Thanksgiving shopping days of "Black Friday' and "Cyber Monday."…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic made "social distancing" popular. "Social pisstancing" (social distancing + pissing) is when men use social distancing at the urinals in a…
The term "sticker shock" began in 1980, when consumers found that new cars were costing over the $10,000 on their stickers (rather than about half that in the mid-1970s). "Fiat Stops…
"Subvertising" (subvert/subversive + advertising) makes spoofs or parodies of corporate and political advertisements. "Such forms of 'subvertising,' as jammer ally Mark…
Several large fashion events have been called the "Super Bowl of Fashion." The Super Bowl is the championship game in the National Football League and is one of the most-watched…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Super SaturdaySuper Saturday or Panic Saturday is the last Saturday before Christmas, a major day of revenue for American retailers, marking the end of the…
A "sweatshop" or "sweat shop" or "sweating shop" is a place where people work for very little pay ("sweat" wages). In New York and Chicago and Boston, the…
T.J. Maxx is a retailer with over 900 stores, founded in 1976 in Framingham, Massachusetts. The T.J. Maxx nickname "T.J. Smaxx" has been cited in print since at least 1993, but has been…
Target is one of the largest retailers in America. Some people give the name a faux French accent, calling the store "Tar-jay" or "Tar-zhay." The nickname "Tarjay" has…
"TERF" is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." A variation of the TERF acronym is "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools/Fuckwits." "TERF Tired of…
"TERF" is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." A variation of the TERF acronym is "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools/Fuckwits." "TERF Tired of…
Sam Ash has called itself "The Musical Instrument Megastore." Websites include and (Trademark)Word Mark SAM ASH Goods and Services (CANCELLED)…
There was a Manhattan market between Delancey and Houston Streets that sold items often of questionable ownership. The WPA Guide to New York City (1939) stated: "The stretch between Delancey…
"Three Rules of Plumbing" or "Three Laws of Plumbing" -- sometimes four -- is a jocular list that has been printed on many images. Authorship is unknown, but the rules/laws have…
"Three Rules of Plumbing" or "Three Laws of Plumbing" -- sometimes four -- is a jocular list that has been printed on many images. Authorship is unknown, but the rules/laws have…
"Thumbs Up Thursday" means a day of approval. The term has been printed on posters and is often used in business promotions. "Thumbs Up Thursday" has been cited in print since…
The term "top dog" means to be the boss (or leader), or to be victorious. The term "top dog in the fight" was cited frequently in the early 1860s. "Whether he's top…