“A lot of people my age are dead”

Former New York Yankees baseball manager Casey Stengel (1890-1975) was the league's oldest manager when he took that position on the expansion New York Mets. For Stengel's 74th birthday…

“A win is a win” (sports adage)

"A win is a win (is a win)" is often said by the coach and players of a winning team, meaning that all that matters is the victory. If a heavy favorite pulls out an unexpectedly narrow…

“A Zamboni is a sports car”

A "Zamboni" is an ice resurfacer, often seen at hockey games. It is a vehicle used in sports, "A Zamboni is a sports car" was posted on Reddit -- Showerthoughts on October 2,…

“A” Game

An "A" game is a player's best efforts, the very top of his or her game. A player who plays very well is said to have brought his or her "A" game to the contest. The term…