“Wise old owl” poem

The four-line poem "A Wise Old Owl" is cited in print from at least 1883, but is of unknown authorship. A 1904 source (below) credits "the immortal poet Bromley." The wise old…

311 (non-emergency call)

311 was introduced in 2003 to handle non-emergency calls and take the burden off 911. It helps callers to make New York City understandable. Too much noise in the neighborhood? Call 311. Fire? Call…

911 (emergency call)

911 is dialed for emergency calls; 311 is for non-emergency calls. The 911 system was introduced in New York City -- and nationwide -- in 1968. In the 1967 phonebook, Fire was "OPERATOR"…

Alligator in the sewers (urban myth)

It's a popular urban legend that there are alligators in the New York City sewer. I found the first such newspaper article, from 1907. The most famous example is from 1935. Alligators…

Amen Corner

The "Amen Corner" was a place in the old Fifth Avenue Hotel, at Madison Square, where people would meet, agree on issues and all say "Amen." It was named in 1897 in honor of…