“Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines”
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines" is a humorous quotation used in government and business. The saying means that there are dangers in climbing up the…
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines" is a humorous quotation used in government and business. The saying means that there are dangers in climbing up the…
"Absentee ballots" are not "absent tea ballots," but there are jokes. Some of the puns involve Earl Grey, the name of a tea. "Earl Grey was away on business during the…
The radical environmental advocacy group Earth First! formed in 1980. A popular anti-Earth First! bumper sticker is, "Earth First! (we'll log/mine/strip mine the other planets…
"Our Earth is not overpopulated, the g0vernment is" (shown on an image) was posted on Instagram by 1776.american.mama on August 8, 2023, and this received over 71,000 likes. "Earth…
"Earth provides enough for every man's need. but not every man's greed" (or "Earth provides enough for everyone's need. but not everyone's greed") has been…
Many people distrust government, and they believe that almost anything would be better. A joke was posted on Twitter by Alicia Demon Goddess of Lust on October 8, 2020: Aliens invade:…
"Eat the apple, (and/but) fuck the Corps" is a Marine Corps saying from someone who is critical of the Corps. "Eat the apple and fuck the Corps" has been cited in print since at…
National health care ("government-run health care") became a popular political topic in the early 1990s ("Hillarycare," after First Lady Hillary Clinton) and in 2009…
A popular joke was said by Democrats about U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (a Republican) in January 1961: "And in Washington they're laughing about the 'Eisenhower Doll.'…
"Either you limit government or government limits you" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Either you limit government or the government will limit you" was…
"(If you) Elect a clown, expect a circus" is a political saying that has been printed on many images. "Obama meets with George Clooney instead. If you elect a clown, expect a…
"Elections have consequences" is a political saying that became popular in the 1980s. "Stolen Elections Have Consequences: Unelected Fascist Franken Denies Lieberman an…
"Actions have consequences" is an ancient truism, very obvious and not attributed to any particular speaker. "Ideas have consequences" is the title of a 1948 book by philosopher…
Entry in progress -- B.P. “If you’ve gained weight and nobody wants to mention it, you are the elephant in the room” is a joke on the saying. Wikipedia: Elephant in the room"Elephant in…
"Elephants and asses are screwing the masses" -- referring to the political party symbols of the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey -- is a saying that has been printed on many…
"Elephants and asses are screwing the masses" -- referring to the political party symbols of the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey -- is a saying that has been printed on many…
"Elephants and asses are screwing the masses" -- referring to the political party symbols of the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey -- is a saying that has been printed on many…
"Elephants and asses are screwing the masses" -- referring to the political party symbols of the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey -- is a saying that has been printed on many…
Brooklyn-born Helen Kenyon (1884-1978), former member of the Board of Home Missions of Congregational and Christian Churches, said in November 1952 that 11 o'clock on Sunday morning was the…
"Embrace the suck" is a term that became popular in the Iraq War in March 2003. "Embrace the suck" means that war sucks, so just embrace it. "The suck" has been in use…