“Chiropractors are technically crack addicts”
A joke has it that chiropractors are "crack" addicts/dealers. "Chiropractors are like crack dealers. Feels good til it wears off and I'm making another appointment..." was…
A joke has it that chiropractors are "crack" addicts/dealers. "Chiropractors are like crack dealers. Feels good til it wears off and I'm making another appointment..." was…
A joke has it that chiropractors are "crack" addicts/dealers. "Chiropractors are like crack dealers. Feels good til it wears off and I'm making another appointment..." was…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic wasn’t taken seriously by some. “People keep asking me, ’Is COVID-19 REALLY that serious?’ Listen y’all, the casinos and churches are closed. When…
"Civil engineering" is professional engineering discipline, but there is no "criminal engineering" discipline. "if there is a BE in civil engineering, there should also be…
A joke has been told in several countries (United Kingdom, Canada, India and the United States) about the new "civil servant" missile -- "It doesn't work and it can't be…
Confederate General Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) has a name that sounds like the word "generally" (General Lee). "Civil War jokes? I General Lee don't find them funny" is a…
"Unvaccinated/Unvaxxed sperm is the new/next Bitcoin" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines contain spike proteins that many believe impair male…
"Clients go to jail and lawyers go to lunch" is an old saying of unknown origin. This was printed in the Chicago (IL) Tribune on November 19, 1991: "An old joke about the judiciary…
"Science/Gravity/Global warming/Climate change doesn't care if you believe in it or not" is a saying that has been printed on several images. The saying means that there are…
"Government work" is often thought of as less efficient than private sector work, where there is no monopoly and the work must compete with others. "Close enough for government…
A popular meme is that cockroaches can survive a nuclear war. "In the event of nuclear war the only things that will survive are cockroaches. Which means Britain will still have a functioning…
"Coercion is not consent" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying has been used in rape situations, and the saying has also been used regarding Covid vaccine…
"Coercion is the central principle of all government" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Coercion is the central principle of government . -LORD ARMSTRONG" was…
Entry in progress -- BP
"Absentee ballots" are not "absent tea ballots," but there are jokes. Some of the puns involve Earl Grey, the name of a tea. "Earl Grey was away on business during the…
American science fiction and fantasy author Emma Bull wrote in the novel Bone Dance: A Fantasy for Technophiles (1991): "Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and…
"Coinciditis -- Myocarditis that coincidentally only affects the vaccinated" is a saying that has been shown on many images. The word "coinciditis" (coincidence + -itis) refers…
"Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery" is a saying that has been attributed to U.S. President Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) and that has been printed on…
A possession of classified documents story in January 2023 involved U.S. President Joe Biden, just as a similar story had involved former president Donald Trump. It was joked that the secret KFC…
"The original point and click interface" (a gun) is a pro-gun saying that has been printed on many images. "Smith & Wesson: the original point-and-click interface" was…