Died Suddenly (#diedsuddenly)
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people believed that these vaccines were not safe. In 2021 and 2022, when someone seemingly healthy was reported to have…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people believed that these vaccines were not safe. In 2021 and 2022, when someone seemingly healthy was reported to have…
"Dimocrat" (dim + Democrat, also lowercase "dimocrat") is a derogatory nickname for a member of the Democrat party. "Dimocrat" is cited in print since at least June…
A "DINO" is a "Democrat In Name Only." The Democrat party is symbolized by the donkey; DINO is symbolized by the dinosaur. A DINO is someone who is a registered Democrat but who…
"Dirty Thirty" ("Dirty 30") is the unflattering nickname that the New York Police Department's 30th Precinct was called in April 1994. Police officers in the precinct were…
In New York City, many people arrested for misdemeanors and "E" felonies are ordered to appear before the New York City Criminal Court and are given a desk appearance ticket (DAT). So…
An "appointee" is someone who a political committee selects to run for a political office. A person who tries, but fails, to be an "appointee" might be called a…
"Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination" (a backronym or back acronym of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI) has been printed on many images. The backronym reflects a belief…
The United States capital of Washington, District of Columbia ("DC"), has been nicknamed the "District of Confusion" since at least 1943. The "District of Confusion"…
The United States capital of Washington, District of Columbia ("DC"), has been nicknamed the "District of Corruption" since at least 1951. The "District of Corruption"…
The United States capital of Washington, District of Columbia ("DC"), has been nicknamed the "District of Criminals" since at least 1992. The "criminals" term usually…
The United States capital of Washington, District of Columbia ("DC"), has been nicknamed the "District of Cunts" since at least 2009. The nickname was popularized on the…
"Dewey, Cheatham & Howe" is a jocular fictitious law/accounting/consulting firm name. "Ditcher, Quick & Hyde" is a jocular fictitious divorce law firm name.…
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh often had callers who were very happy to be on the air to talk with him; Limbaugh would tell the callers "ditto," or that he was also happy…
"Division, Exclusion and Inequality" (a backronym or back acronym of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI) has been printed on many images. The backronym reflects a belief that DEI…
"Division, Exclusion and Intolerance" is a backronym or back acronym of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (or DEI). The backronym reflects a belief that DEI rewards people based on a…
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out" is a sarcastic expression said to someone in business or in politics who is leaving business or politics. A spring door can hit someone in…
The 80th United States Congress (March 3, 1947-January 3, 1949), controlled by the Republicans, was frequently called by the minority Democrats as the "Do-Nothing Congress." The term…
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") was widely promoted by President Barack Obama with, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period."…
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh first called himself the "Doctor of Democracy" in April 1993. The title was meant to show that Limbaugh promotes freedom and liberty…
Politics has sometimes been called a "dog and pony show." This is sometimes also expressed as "dog and phony show" (or "dog and phoney show"), describing an event…