CRAFT Disease or CRAFT Moment (Can’t Remember A Fucking Thing)

“CRAFT disease” or “CRAFT moment” is an acronym for “Can’t Remember A Flaming/Flipping/Freaking/Frigging/Fucking Thing.” A related problem is “CRS disease” (“Can’t Remember Shit”). “CRAFT” often happens to politicians and people under oath, when they can’t seem to recall anything—especially when the memory loss serves their interests.
“CRAFT” was cited in print in 1994, “CRAFT disease” was cited in 1995 and “CRAFT moment” was cited in 2000.
Google Books
A Sort of Hot Scotland
By Alison L Kennedy
Aberdeen: Assoc. for Scottish Literary Studies
Pg. 17:
Hilda placed a hand on Maisie’s arm and said confidingly, ‘In fact, I’m thinking of starting a Craft Club.’
She laughed at Maisie’s puzzled frown.
‘C.r.a.f.t.’ she spelled out. ‘It stands for can’t remember a FLAMING THING!’
Google Groups: sci.math
trisect arbitrary angles HELP!  
Greg Griffiths
However I may merely be another victing of CRAFT disease (Can’t Remember A Flamin’ Thing).
Google Groups:
Question about Short Term Memory
Phyllis Griffiths
My brain is often nothing but swiss cheese..full of holes. It’s called CRAFT disease…Can’t Remember A F’n Thing….(a little humor goes a long way in coping.
Google Groups: bit.listserv.snurse-l
Yes, this list is the official support group for people who suffer from CRS, I think there is another for those who suffer from the other dreded disease, also an approved NANDA dx., CRAFT disease—Can’t Remember A Friggen Thing.
24 February 1997, Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald, pg. 14, cols. 2-3:
CRAFT Disease
Bill Barnetson (Letters, February 21) will be interested to learn that Selective Memory Lapses (SML) is also described as CRAFT Disease. CRAFT, of course, is the acronym for “Can’t Remember a Flipping Thing”.
Sandra Brown,
February 21.

Google Books
The Indian Sign:
A Milan Jacovich Mystery

By Les Roberts
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press
Pg. 43:
In my dotage, I seem to be suffering from CRAFT.”
“An acronym for Can’t Remember a Fucking Thing.”
Google Groups: rec.arts.mystery
Liza Cody
There was also one non-series,  non-crime novel called Rift, which I don’t remember anything about except it’s set in Africa. (what someone recently referred to as a CRAFT moment—can’t remember a friggin’ thing…)
Google Books
No! I Don’t Want to Join a Book Club:
Diary of a Sixtieth Year

By Virginia Ironside
New York, NY: Viking
Pg. 140:
“A CRAFT moment,” she said.
“What’s a CRAFT moment?” I asked.
“Can’t Remember a Fucking Thing,” said Penny
Urban Dictionary
CRAFT moment
Those moments when you Cant Remember A F***ing Thing
“Hang on, Im having a CRAFT moment”
#memory #forgetful #senile #mad #thinking
by Becky and Cherryl November 16, 2007
Amanda Sevasti
@WendyRobb Maybe it’s because he turned 30 yesterday? I hear that’s when you get CRAFT - Can’t Remember A Fucking Thing
7:57 AM - 3 Dec 2008
Wikiquote: Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody is a 2009 film that tells the life story of Nemo Nobody, a 118 year-old man who is the last mortal on Earth after the human race has achieved quasi-immortality. Nemo, memory fading, refers to his three main loves and to his parent’s divorce and subsequent hardships endured at three main moments in his life; him at age nine, fifteen and thirty-four.
Nemo Nobody
Sometimes people call me Mr. Craft. C-R-A-F-T. Can’t Remember A Fucking Thing.

Julie Roads
@deepwaterscoach My advisor in grad school called it a CRAFT moment (Can’t Remember A F***ing Thing)
9:27 AM - 13 Jan 2009
Urban Dictionary
CRAFT Disease
When you are always forgetting things or in other words you “Can’t Remember A F*@king Thing”.
I can’t remember where I left my keys, I think I’m getting CRAFT Disease.
#forgetful #dunse #memory #brain dead #fried
by Happy_Hoaxster May 28, 2009
@tahliabecc Sometimes people call me Mr. Craft. C-R-A-F-T. Can’t Remember A Fucking Thing.
4:41 PM - 31 Dec 2011
Zero Hedge
The 26 Things Clinton “Could Not Recall” During Her FBI Interview
by Tyler Durden
Sep 3, 2016 1:15 PM
PT Occams_Chainsaw Sep 3, 2016 1:40 PM
Over here we call it CRAFT disease -