“Takes the cake”

Something "takes the cake" was originally something very good (as if winning a cake as a prize), but now is used mostly in the ironic sense of something very unusual or very bad.…

“Talk doesn’t cook rice”

"Talk doesn't cook rice is a Chinese saying that has been printed on American posters; the saying means that talk is cheap and accomplishes little of practical value (compared to cooking…

“Tampico is a poor man’s Tang”

The drinks Tang (introduced in 1959), SunnyD or Sunny Delight (introduced in 1963) and Tampico (introduced in 1989) have been compared to each other. "Tang was an "orange flavored…

“Tang is a poor man’s SunnyD”

The drinks Tang (introduced in 1959), SunnyD or Sunny Delight (introduced in 1963) and Tampico (introduced in 1989) have been compared to each other. "Tang was an "orange flavored…

“Tango is a poor man’s Fanta”

The soft drinks Fanta (introduced in 1940), Crush (introduced as Orange Crush in 1911), Faygo (introduced in 1907), Sunkist (introduced in 1979), Orangina (introduced in 1936), Mirinda (introduced…

“Taste makes waist”

"Taste makes waist" is a food pun on the old proverb of "haste makes waste." Food with too much taste results in overeating and a bigger waist. The saying "taste makes…

“Tastes like cardboard”

"Tastes like cardboard" is a popular saying, even though most people have never eaten cardboard. The saying has applied to foods such as bad bread and bad pizza. "The cake tastes…

“Tastes like chicken”

"Tastes like chicken" is a line that has often been used to describe the flavor of exotic meats. The phrase is cited in print from at least 1877. The comic use and popularization of the…

“Tea is a cup of life”

"Tea is a cup of life" is a popular aphorism. Quiet Moments and a Cup of Tea: Charming Stories to Grace Your Day (2001) by Alice Gray contained the saying and credited an author:…