“Tea is a cup of life”

“Tea is a cup of life” is a popular aphorism. Quiet Moments and a Cup of Tea: Charming Stories to Grace Your Day (2001) by Alice Gray contained the saying and credited an author:
“Great-grandma Jewel, a delightful lady who lived to the age of 108, told her friends that ‘tea is a cup of life.’”
Google Books
Quiet Moments and a Cup of Tea:
Charming Stories to Grace Your Day

By Alice Gray
Sisters, OR: Blue Cottage Gifts
Pg. 7:
Great-grandma Jewel, a delightful lady who lived to the age of 108, told her friends that “tea is a cup of life.” I know just what she means.
ConstantChatter Forum
Tea Lovers - Enjoying Life Sip by Sip
06-30-2005, 11:40 PM
Some fun quotes about tea
Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world. -T’ien Yiheng
Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. -Author Unknown
Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. -Catherine Douzel
Tea is a cup of life. -Author Unknown
Tea With Ren
Chai recipe
At 11:44 AM, Blogger Ren said…
I’m glad you’re all enjoying Chai…it’s a ritual around here that is deeply embedded into family life.
There’s a quote I love: “Tea is a cup of life” and another one by Thich Nhat Han “Drink your tea reverantly, as though it is the axis on which the earth turns”
6 October 2007, Palm Beach (FL) Daily News, “History of tea generates art collaboration” by Jan Sjostromn:
“A cup of tea is like a cup of life,” one participant writes.
WSSA Wedding
Tea is a cup of life
Location : Sharjah, U.A.E.: http://bit.ly/iOEO0
12:22 AM - 30 Aug 09
Google Books
Chicken Soup for the Tea Lover’s Soul:
Stories Steeped in Comfort

By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Patricia Lorenz
New York, NY: Open Road Integrated Media
Pg. ?:
Tea is a cup of life.
Author Unknown
Lambs’ Ears and Honey
A Cup of Tea at Adelaide’s T Bar Tea Salon
by AMANDA MCINERNEY on 23/08/2013
Tea is a cup of life.  ~Author Unknown