Splash Crash

The term "flash crash" began after the sudden market drop on May 6, 2010. John Bates, the chief technology officer at Progress Software (Bedford, MA), wrote on February 1, 2011 to…

Stawk (stock)

"Stawk" is a spelling of "stock" that became popularly used on financial blogs, especially among the comments. "Blew chip stawks" was cited in print in June 2006 and…

Story Stock

A "story stock" is a stock that has a story -- that is, a stock that has some storied excitement to it. A "story stock" company could have a unique electronics product launch,…

Stress Test

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Cardiac stress testA cardiac stress test is a medical test that indirectly reflects arterial blood flow to the heart during physical exercise. When compared to…


The character Larry "the Liquidator" Garfinkle in the 1989 Jerry Sterner play Other People's Money used the term "stuckholders" to refer to "stockholders." People…


A "takeunder" is similar to a "takeover." For a takeover, if a stock is trading at $20 a share, for example, the acquiring company might offer $22 . For a takeunder, a company…