
Entry in progress—B.P.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
ˈsilverite, n.
Etymology:  <

silver n. and adj. + -ite suffix1.
Chiefly U.S.
An advocate of a silver monetary standard.
1886   Science 7 267   The attempt is made to cast a slur upon the ‘silverites’ by calling them inflationists.
1892 Nation 28 Apr. 313/2   The silverites contribute to the gayety of nations from time to time.
OCLC WorldCat record
The Montana silverite.
Publisher: Missoula, Mont. : People’s Party Pub. Co., 1894-1897.
Edition/Format:   Newspaper : English
OCLC WorldCat record
The Supreme Court,—“As it may hereafter be constituted”—If the silverites ever get a chance to put their populistic and revolutionary platform into force
Author: Frederick Burr Opper
Publisher: ©1896.
Edition/Format:   Image : Graphic : Original artwork : No Linguistic Content
Publication: Puck and Judge cover and centerfold cartoons and illustrations
Database: WorldCat
A cartoon showing the Supreme Court, under Bryan’s silver party, as a group of farmers, with hard cider, whittling, and fine chewing tobacco evidence of their lack of civility, along with a prize pumpkin and a bowl of doughnuts. The millionaires J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Sage, John Jacob Astor, Vanderbilt, and Jay Gould are not caricatured, but are portrayed as millionaires prevented from receiving a hearing because of the populistic agenda of the Silverites.
OCLC WorldCat record
Casting pearls before - silverites
Author: Louis Dalrymple
Publisher: N.Y. : Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, 1898 March 23.
Edition/Format:   Image : Graphic : Original artwork : English
Database: WorldCat
Print shows Treasury Secretary Lyman J. Gage tossing notes that state “Free Silver is Ruin”, “Sound Money”, “The National Honor is above Politics”, “A fifty-cent dollar would mean greater hardship to the laboring man than to the capitalist”, “Financial Reform Needed”, “Sound Money is necessary to our Prosperity”, among diminutive legislators who all have pointed ears like swine. Gage holds a paper that states “Had there been a uniform banking system, specie payments would have been maintained, and hundreds of millions lost through depreciation of government notes would have been saved to the people”, and in his pocket are papers labeled “Sound Money Tracts.”
OCLC WorldCat record
The utilization of anglophobia by the free silverites, 1890-1896
Author: Nan P Edmondson
Publisher: 1956.
Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)—University of Wisconsin—Madison, 1956.
Edition/Format:   Thesis/dissertation : Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript   Archival Material : English
OCLC WorldCat record
Goldbugs, Silverites, and Satirists: Caricature and Humor in the Presidential Election of 1896
Author: Glen Jeansonne Affiliation: Professor of History, at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, where he teaches American political history. He has written Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta and Gerald L.K. Smith: Minister of Hate.
Edition/Format: Article Article : English
Publication: Journal of American Culture, v11 n2 (Summer 1988): 1-8
Database: Wiley Online Library
Silver Doctors
JULY 25, 2014 BY THE DOC
Silver is not just any old commodity.  It is old money.  Despite massive efforts and price fixing, clipping and manipulation, it has remained central to monetary and political systems for centuries.
Today it is small and relatively dark in the context of modern investing.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. And the desperation to buy and hold metal should simply be proportional to the desperation of the will of the monetary powers to maintain the status quo.
The modern silver investor must be content with a world gone wild with information, yet a lack of understanding.
Silver is rigged – only more; more overtly ever day. Whether it goes up and down, those who are best positioned win.