
Entry in progress -- B.P. Vidiot Speak Tuesday, May 01, 2007Sticking it to the Washington Consensus (...)For those of you who have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I believe that…

Banxodus (bank + exodus)

The "banxodus" (bank + exodus), or Bank Transfer Day, was planned for November 5, 2011 by the BoldProgressives (Progressive Change Campaign Committee) and their website,…

Barefoot Pilgrim

A "barefoot pilgrim" was, originally, an unsophisticated car buyer -- someone who buys a car at the advertised sticker price and pays too much. This meaning of "barefoot…

Bawnd (bond)

"Bawnd” is a spelling of “bond” that became popularly used on financial blogs, especially among the comments. "Stawks, Bawnds, Nasdaq, Dow Jones" was cited on Twitter on July…

Bear Hug

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: bear hugNounbear hug (plural bear hugs)1.any especially large, tight or enthusiastic hug, usually friendly Granddad scooped up the child in a big bear…

Bear Market

The terms "bull" (for rising prices) and "bear" (for falling prices) originated in the early 1700s, but the terms "bull market" and "bear market" came much…

Beartard (bear + retard)

A “beartard” (bear + retard) is a “bear” (one who believes in falling markets), but is also one who remains bearish despite bullish numbers. The term “beartard” has been cited in print…


kkEntry in progress -- B.P. Merriam-Webster DictionaryMain Entry: bel·ly–up Pronunciation: \-ˈəp\ Function: adjective Etymology: from the floating position of a dead fish Date: 1939 :…

Bernanke Put

The "Bernanke put" is a put option named after Ben Bernanke, member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 2002 to 2005 and chairman of the Federal Reserve from 2006…