Austerical (austerity + hysterical)

“Austerical” (austerity + hysterical) is a term used by those who criticize austerity measures. “How do the Austerical Auks expect the private sector to create jobs in a period when private balance sheets are fragile?” was cited in print in July 2010, and the term “austerical” began to be used many times in 2011 and 2012.
Wikipedia: List of portmanteaus
austerical, from austerity and hysterical
Bill Mitchel—billy blog
The BIS is part of the problem
Posted on Thursday, July 1, 2010 by bill
Brianovitch says:
Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 23:22
Hi Neil,
How do the Austerical Auks expect the private sector to create jobs in a period when private balance sheets are fragile?
A Creative Revolution
Secret Revolutions.
Submitted by pale on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 09:29.
Ireland. Ah, Ireland. They went all Austerical (TM) before many countries did. How is that working out you ask?
Daily Kos
Fri Nov 11, 2011 at 07:19 AM PST.
Krugman to Catfood Commission: Austerity Is A Failure
by Tasini
It’s time to start actively pushing the ideas that the “austerical” cabal is not out to fix things but to wreck things; that they are not here to help us but to hurt us; that their actions are flagrantly un-American.
We reach for the stars with shaking hands in bare-knuckle times.
by TheOrchid on Fri Nov 11, 2011 at 07:40:48 AM PST
Trading Blog
The Austerical Deliverance Of The Technocrats Isn’t Working
Posted by FXCC Forex Trading Broker in category: Market Commentaries posted on: December 22, 2011
Ireland was regarded as the poster child for a booming economy. When period houses in Dublin were selling for over a million euros in 2007 it was regarded as good news, there was no reference to first time buyers left stranded as the first rung remained out of reach. House prices have collapsed by 15.5% in Ireland year on year and by as much as 50% from the peak of 2006 in certain areas.
Austerical* Crisis in Europe
Published on 4 May 2012 09:57, Ralitsa Kovacheva, Sofia
The word austerity is so deeply rooted in my dictionary that I do not even think how to translate it into Bulgarian. There is simply no sufficiently eloquent equivalent. And since the word has become popular also in terms of corporate and family budgets, I have come to the conclusion that everything is clear and there is no need to translate it.
*Combination of hysteria and austerity - policy of budget cuts to reduce deficit.
Democratic Underground
Sat May 26, 2012, 06:36 PM
1. k&r—though i prefer the term “austerical”.
The Tipperlinn Files
Monday, 4 June 2012
Getting austerical!
Missed it in real time, but pretty amusing watching Paul Krugman debate with a couple of Conservatives on Newsnight last week, and he basically nailed it on three fronts: ...