New York City

Barnes Dance

Henry Barnes was the city's traffic commissioner in the 1960s. He was known for the traffic scramble called the "Barnes Dance" to help pedestrians cross the streets safely. His…


A "bartender" (also "bar-tender" or "bar tender") is someone who "tends" to or serves drinks at a "bar." Other names for this job include…

Baseball Capital of Texas (Brenham nickname)

"Baseball Capital of Texas" is the unofficial nickname of Brenham in Washington County. High school baseball in Brenham has been ranked No. 1 in Texas. Washington County Chamber of…

Basketball (Basket Ball)

The game of basketball (first spelled "basket ball") became popular in 1892. The first college basketball game was played at Cornell University in February 1892. Supposed basketball…

Basque Barbecue (Basque Barbeque)

A "Basque barbecue" is a lamb barbecue. A significant number of sheepmen (mostly in California and Nevada) were from the Basque region. The Basque barbecue dates to at least the early…

Bastropian (inhabitant of Bastrop)

"Bastropian” is the name of an inhabitant of Bastrop, Texas. The name “Bastropian” has been cited in print since at least 1892. "Bastropite" -- less frequently used -- has been…

Bat City (Austin nickname)

Austin's Congress Avenue Bridge was rehabilitated in 1982. Hundreds of thousands of Mexican free-tailed bats chose the under-side of the bridge to sleep during the daytime, and the city of…