Exercise/Running/Health Clubs

“Eat the fucking bugs”

"Eat ze bugs" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum has promoted eating bugs, and Schwab's first language was German. "Eat…

“Eat the rich”

"Eat the rich" was a slogan of the counterculture Zippies that became popular at the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida. The slogan promotes a redistribution of…

“Eat well, travel often”

"Eat well, travel often" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "'Eat well. Travel Often.' via Ian Coyle from Superheroes, Inc at the September DSVC Lecture.…

“Eat, drink and be scary”

"Eat, drink, and be merry" is a biblical saying. "Eat, drink and be scary" has been printed on many images and is a popular saying around Halloween. "Let us eat, drink,and…