Texas Caviar (black-eyed peas)
"Texas caviar" is the name for pickled black-eyed peas. Helen Corbitt helped to popularize the dish, but she didn't invent the name. The dish is sometimes called "Cowboy…
"Texas caviar" is the name for pickled black-eyed peas. Helen Corbitt helped to popularize the dish, but she didn't invent the name. The dish is sometimes called "Cowboy…
Cardoon (from the Latin word for thistle) is a plant from the globe artichoke family. Cardoon is native to the Mediterranean region, but it grows in Texas from the fall through the spring.…
D. L. Jardine's food company has called its cayenne pepper hot sauce "Texas Champagne" since 1980. Champagne is not hot; what's meant is that it's a famous food product of…
"Texas Chicken" is the name of "Church's Chicken" in the Middle East, "church" being possibly objectionable. Church's Chicken was founded by George W.…
"Texas chicken" is a procedure that occurs when two shipping vessels face each other on a collision course -- a frequent occurrence in the Houston Ship Channel. The vessels must quickly…
Chowder (especially clam chowder) is a New England dish. What is Texas chowder? On ABC's Nightline television program of September 17, 2008, someone who was cooking chili for the Texans…
Texas coleslaw (or "cole slaw") is a popular side dish for a Texas barbecue. Coleslaw is a cabbage salad, but a "Texas coleslaw" applies some heat to this by adding dry mustard…
"Texas Cow Chips" recipes can be seen on postcards of Texas. They's a Texas name for chocolate chip cookies, with raisins and pecans also added. It is not known who first baked the…
"Texas crabgrass" (or "Texas crab grass") is a dish that consists of spinach (the green "grass") and crabmeat. It is not known when or where the dish originated, but…
"The crud" is military slang for a real or imaginary disease, first recorded in the publication American Speech in 1932. Many people in Texas often get "the crud" -- defined as…
Kansas City "Baron of BBQ" Paul Kirk posed with a crutch covered with aluminum foil, titled "Texas Crutch," in 1999 or January 2000. Kirk coined or certainly popularized the…
There is no standard slang definition for "Texas cucumber." The term has been used to describe banana squash, hot pepper, and a large watermelon. Viceland.comChin tricked me into eating a…
A "Texas death match" is a wrestling term used to advertise extreme wrestling, first cited in 1955. Early advertisements stated "no fall limits" and "no time limits."…
Deep-fried turkey? Texas Monthly published a recipe for Texas Deep-Fried Turkey in 1998. Deep fried turkey originated in the South, but it's not known where. Louisiana also claims it. Texas…
The blog WhosPlayin.com, subtitled "Life and Liberty in the Lone Star State," announced in 2006 its monthly "Texas Dim Bulb Award." The prize (the graphic shows a bulb in the…
The "Texas dip" is a bow or curtsy that Texas debutantes perform, usually to great dramatic effect. It's a difficult meaneuver that requires descending to the floor in style.…
A "Texas Dip" sandwich is a new variation on the "French Dip" sandwich that was invented in California. The Texas version consists of thinly sliced brisked, BBQ sauce, and Swiss…
A buy/sell agreement is sometimes called a "Texas Draw" in real estate lingo. Detroit NewsSunday, February 2, 2003Taubman's son fights to save his dad's empireHe shows jailed…
A "Texas earthworm," under the theory that "everything's bigger in Texas," is a rattlesnake. The name and image of a "Texas earthworm" has been put on T-shirts…
"Texas egg rolls" may have originated at the Original Roadhouse Grill, a chain of restaurants mostly on the West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) and not yet in Texas. A "Texas…