Restaurants/Bars/Coffeehouses/Food Stores

Nanaimo Bar Mystery (New York Bars?)

Does the famous Nanaimo bar come from New York? Must I solve every mystery for you, for free in my spare time? say the recipe goes back to the 1930s, perhaps…

Nanny State

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Nanny stateNanny state is a term that refers to state protectionism, economic interventionism, or regulatory policies (of economic, social or other nature), and…


NASDAQ is an American stock exchange that is located in New York City. On August 22, 2013, NASDAQ had a three-hour trading halt because of technical problems. The glitch was immediately called…

Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest

Competitive eating contests have been held since at least the 19th century. It's not known when the first "hot dog-eating contest" was held. Nathan's often claims that it held…

National Magazine of Texas (Texas Monthly)

Texas Monthly began in 1973 and calls itself "the national magazine of Texas" because of its national readership. See also the National Drink of Texas (Dr. Pepper) and the National Beer…