“Acting is reacting” (acting adage)
"Acting is reacting" is an old acting adage. The actor must react to what the other actors say and do, or to the conditions. The saying has been used both on the stage and in movies. The…
"Acting is reacting" is an old acting adage. The actor must react to what the other actors say and do, or to the conditions. The saying has been used both on the stage and in movies. The…
"Acting is the ability to dream on cue" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying is credited to English actor Ralph Richardson (1902-1983), although Richardson usually…
"Actions speak louder than words" is a proverb that has been cited in print since about the 1600s. "Actions speak louder than words, but they do not speak as often" was cited in…
An old saying is that an entertainer is so good or so popular that he or she can "read the telephone book/directory" and the audience will still be satisfied. The saying appeared in print…
A classic acting joke, told both on Broadway and in Hollywood, has an actor reading a line and asking the director, "What's my motivation?" The director snaps back with a terse…
"Acting is the ability to dream on cue" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying is credited to English actor Ralph Richardson (1902-1983), although Richardson usually…
Some people gaslight with even the term "gaslight." "Actually it's pronounced jaslight. You've been saying it wrong this whole time" was posted on Tumblr by…
Successful acupuncture has been called "a jab well done" (a pun on "a job well done"). "Definition of acupuncture: A jab well done" was published in American…
"Acute alcoholic: an attractive drunk" is a jocular drinking definition. The definition was printed in a 1965 Missouri newspaper, where it was credited to Howard Jasper. 9 April 1965,…
Fairy tales often end with "happily ever after." "Appley/Apple-y ever after" or "Applely ever after" (apple + happily ever after) is an apple variation of this.…
A saying has it that Chinese people eat many things. This has been expressed in a riddle: Q: How do we know that Adam and Eve were not Chinese?A: Because they would have thrown away the apple and…
"Adam and Eve: The first people to not read the Apple terms and conditions" is an Apple Inc. joke that has been printed on many images. "Adam and Eve were the first people to agree…
New York City's Times Square has many advertising signs -- by law. It has often been compared to ad blocking on the internet. "Browsing the web in general without #AdBlock is like being…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic sent many people home to quarantines, but many essential workers stayed on the job. "I'm adding 'showed up for/to work during the apocalypse'…
A statement about modern adult friendship (with texting) was posted on X/Twitter by Saint (S.T.) Gibson on February 17, 2022 and received over 193,000 likes: "Adult friendship is really just…
"Adult life is a constant cycle of 'I just need to get through this week', every week..." is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Adult life is a constant cycle…
"Adult life may be difficult, but at least we don't have to do P.E. anymore" is a saying -- there are several slight variations -- that has been printed on many images. Many people…
"Adult life may be difficult, but at least we don't have to do P.E. anymore" is a saying -- there are several slight variations -- that has been printed on many images. Many people…
"Adult life may be difficult, but at least we don't have to do P.E. anymore" is a saying -- there are several slight variations -- that has been printed on many images. Many people…
"Adults on board. We want to live too!" (or "Adult on board. I want to live too!") is a vehicle sign that has been