Archive for 09/2020

“Tofu never screams”

"Tofu never screams" is a vegan saying that has been printed on many images. That is, no animals were killed in the making of tofu. "Tofu never screams" was posted on Twitter by…

“My food is grown, not born”

"My food is grown, not born" is a vegan saying that has been printed on many images. "Make a statement with this 100% cotton canvas tote bag! 'My food is Grown not born' -…

Zoominar (Zoom + seminar)

The 2020 coronavirus pandemic caused many people to stay at home and go to work/school remotely -- often by using Zoom. Many students attended a "Zoominar" or "zoominar" (Zoom +…

“If an onion rings, answer it”

"If you hear an onion ring, answer it" (or "If an onion rings, answer it") is a nonsense saying. "IF AN ONION RINGS ANSWER IT" was printed in the St. Louis (MO)…

Zoombie (Zoom + zombie)

The 2020 coronavirus pandemic caused many people to stay at home and go to work/school remotely -- often by using Zoom. A person using Zoom too much was a "Zoombie" or "zoombie"…