Archive for 06/2019

“Mad as a wet hen” (very mad)

To be "madder than a wet hen" or "as mad as a wet hen" is be to very mad. Hens don't like water on their feathers. "Mad as a wet hen" was printed in Spirit of the…

“All gurgle and no guts”

"All gurgle and no guts" is a saying that has been printed on several images. The saying is popular in Texas and is used to describe someone who is boastful, but doesn't have the…

“You’re the cheese to my macaroni”

Macaroni and cheese is a popular food combination. The movie Juno (2007), written by Diabo Cody (who won an Academy Award for her original screenplay), contained this line: "Juno MacGuff: As…

“Madder than a wet hen” (very mad)

To be "madder than a wet hen" or "as mad as a wet hen" is be to very mad. Hens don't like water on their feathers. "Mad as a wet hen" was printed in Spirit of the…