Archive for 09/2013

Tragic Number

A "magic number" is the combination of team wins and a contending team's losses that will clinch a playoff spot or title. A "tragic number" is the opposite -- a combination…

Magic Number

A "magic number" is the combination of team wins and a contending team's losses that will clinch a playoff spot or title. A "tragic number" is the opposite -- a combination…

H2NO (H2O/water + no)

Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterBeingfamous‏@bngfmsnews[SFC] H2No: Calif officials urge water conservation: State officials reported a smaller Sierra snowpack tha..…

Foodstagram (food + Instagram)

Entry in progress -- B.P. MashableDeath of Foodstagram? Restaurants Ban Customers From Taking Food PicsBY STAN SCHROEDERJAN 24, 2013Some restaurants have started banning customers from taking…

Pretzel Burger

Entry in progress -- B.P. New York (NY) PostWendy’s in the dough due to pretzel burgerBy Kaja WhitehouseAugust 8, 2013 | 4:00amWendy’s may have just discovered the best thing since sliced…