“PE doesn’t stand for physical education, it stands for public embarrassment”

“PE” stands for “physical education,” but to some, it stands for “public embarrassment.” “‘For millions of students, P.E. stands for Public Embarrassment,’ according to the National Education Association” appears to have been cited in print in 1988. (The Google Books date might not be accurate.)
“PE does not stand for Physical Education it stands for Public Embarrassment” has been popular on Twitter since January 18, 2013.
Google Books
Track & Field Quarterly Review
Volumes 88-89
Pg. 5:
“For millions of students, P.E. stands for Public Embarrassment,” according to the National Education Association. A sad, but true statement.
a product of the igeneration
thursday, september 07, 2006
P.E. - No longer physical education
Public Embarrassment. That’s what it is now.
In today’s high school P.E. classes, you are pretty much forced to perform sport tasks that you may not be up to handling. Example: soccer. You’re “dribbling” the ball across the gym, practicing your skills, then you trip and bust your knee on the floor. Do either of your P.E. teachers ask if you’re OK? No. Are helped? No. You just get back up and are forced to keep going.
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PE should stand for Public Embarrassment, it would make x10000000 more sense
11:59 AM - 9 Sep 12
100% done.
physical education more like public embarrassment
8:00 PM - 17 Jan 2013
LOLbots 😊
PE does not stand for Physical Education it stands for Public Embarrassment
9:09 PM - 18 Jan 13
jack kuehborn
PE doesn’t stand for physical education. it stands for public embarrassment
9:50 PM - 24 Oct 2013