Archive for 10/2011

Candy Corn

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Candy cornCandy corn is a confection in the United States and Canada, popular primarily in autumn around Halloween (though available year-round in most places).…

Circus Peanuts (candy)

The circus has long been known for providing hungry patrons with pink lemonade and peanuts for sale. "Circus peanuts" became a popular name, just like "ballpark hot dogs." The…

Pyramid Scheme

A "financial pyramid" is one where there are many people/investors at the bottom of the pyramid, but few at the top. A "pyramid scheme" pays off the oldest investors by getting…

Ponzi Scheme

A "Ponzi scheme" is the method developed by Charles Ponzi (1882-1949), using international reply coupons for postage stamps, to allegedly make money for investors. Ponzi's method was…

Crunkcake (crunk/drunk + cupcake)

A "crunkcake" (crunk/drunk + cupcake) is an alcoholic cupcake. "Crunkcake" has been cited in print since at least September 2008, but received popularity when Sabath and Faith…

Cuptail (cupcake + cocktail)

A "cuptail" (cupcake + cocktail) is an alcoholic cupcake. Some variations include a Margarita cuptail, a Mojito cuptail and a Kalhua-infused chocolate cuptail. The term…