Cuptail (cupcake + cocktail)

A “cuptail” (cupcake + cocktail) is an alcoholic cupcake. Some variations include a Margarita cuptail, a Mojito cuptail and a Kalhua-infused chocolate cuptail. The term “cuptail” dates at least to 2007, when Cuptails & Dreams opened in the Philippines.
The cuptail was popularized in the United States in 2011, when the dessert was put on the menu at PS7 (777 I Street, NW, Washington, DC). The similar “crunkcake” (crunk/drunk + cupcake) has been cited in print since at least 2008.
Cuptails & Dreams
by Cathy Paras
posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Reena Francisco of Cuptails & Dreams understands the deep attachment that her urban market has with cupcakes and she’s entered the single-serving dessert industry with this insight—and with so much more.
“My cupcakes are cocktail-inspired. My Mojito cuptail (P55.00) has a mint leaf garnish grown from my own garden and has a subtle taste of lime upon first bite,” Reena says.
Aug 3, ‘07 3:23 AM
Cuptails & Dreams
her cupcakes are cocktail inspired, with flavors like Cosmo (my favorite drink!), Screaming O, Piña Colada, BJ, Margarita, Mojito and a few more. these unique cupcakes are called Cuptails while the staples like Vanilla Sky, Pink Lemonade, Original Sin, Don Cappuccino are called Dreams.
the best seller, Screaming O, really deserves all the rave it’s been getting. with kahlua infused in the chocolate cupcake and bailey’s frosting, how can you not fall in love at first bite? ;p
A bear’s jampacked life
September 29, 2007
Getting drunk on CUPTAILS
For the longest time I have been hearing about these fabulous cocktail-based cupcakes called CUPTAILS and today I finally had a chance to get my hands on one. Catching the last weekend of the Powerplant Pastry Fair, I wanted to see for myself if this Cuptails phenomenon was just another novelty idea which didn’t translate into yummy. Boy was I in for a sweet surprise. Imagine tasty cupcakes with a subtle hint of liquor playfully topped with heavenly frosting and cocktail elements. I regret ordering only one for myself (diet diet pa kuno =p). I had the Margarita while Pau got the Screaming O. There’s also a Cosmopolitan, Tequila Sunrise, Pina Colada and Mojito—flavors which I imagine I will be munching on tomorrow.
Mon, Feb 18. 2008 - 8:07 am ET
Vegetarian Carnival #13: something for everyone!
•ohmindy presents Margarita Cupcakes: Cuptails for the Everyman posted at Oh, Mindy!, saying, “Cupcakes for grown-ups, and if you need an excuse, they help prevent scurvy!” Nobody wants scurvy!
(pop_opera) wrote in bakebakebake,
@ 2008-03-29 13:51:00
Alcoholic Cupcakes
Ideally I want to be able to create unique cupcakes without a recipe to follow to bring out delicious flavors one wouldn’t normally expect in a cupcake, however, I’m not that confident with my baking skills yet.
2008-03-30 03:48 am UTC (link) Here you go! I’ve been meaning to try these, but i havent had a chance. Hope this will help you out. :o)
The Washington Informer
Sweet Success 
By Shantella Y. Sherman - WI Staff Writer  
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Now cupcakes, the Sweet Potato Dream cup-pie, and Aunt Foo’s Rum & Coke on The Rocks cuptail. Cuptails are cocktail flavored cupcakes that, while non-alcoholic, combine the sweet and sinful into a few delicious bites.
Washingtonian—Best Bites Blog
Posted at 02:35 PM/ET, 10/04/2011
It’s Cuptail Hour!
PS 7’s is whipping up cupcakes dunked in gin, rum, rye, and other liquors.

By Anna Spiegel
Washington is saturated with cupcake shops, but PS 7’s bartender Gina Chersevani and pastry chef Lauren Whitledge have managed to make a worthy contribution: alcohol-packed sweets they call “cuptails.”
The bite-size treats look innocent enough, but Chersevani says that the flavors are packed with one and a half ounces of alcohol; eat two and it’ll have the same impact as sipping a standard vodka martini
‘Cuptails’ (Cocktails + Cupcakes) Created by DC ‘Mixtress’
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, by Paula Forbes
Oh, hey, ladies. Has “mixtress” Gina Chersevani got the cocktail-cupcake combo for you! Chersevani plans on unleashing “Cuptails” on her customers at the Washington, DC restaurant PS 7. And what are Cuptails, exactly? Glad you asked: they’re “sweet cakes soaked in holiday “spirits” and topped with a little extra somethin’.”

So many questions: does the fact that “spirits” is in quotation marks mean it’s not actually liquor but the Ghost of Christmas Drunk? What’s the “extra somethin’”? Cupcake vodka? Why a cocktail-cupcake and not a cupcake-cocktail, a sort of boozy cupcake smoothie? Why not call it a cockcake? (Answer: because everyone knows only ladies drink Cuptails, duh.)