Archive for 12/2008

Land and Sea (Land ‘N Sea)

"Land and Sea" (almost never written in the reverse as "Sea and Land") is a dish of meat and seafood -- usually filet mignon and lobster tails -- that is cited in print from at…

Beef and Reef (Reef and Beef)

"Beef and Reef" (or "Reef and Beef") is a restaurant dish featuring both meat and seafood. The term appeared in the 1960s, along with similar terms such as "Surf and…

Surf and Turf (Surf ‘n’ Turf)

"Surf and Turf” (or “Surf 'n' Turf") is a restaurant dish featuring both meat and seafood, often filet mignon and lobster tails. California's Del Mar racetrack…

Wishbone (Wish Bone; Wishing Bone)

The "wishbone (also "wish bone" or "wishing bone") is a forked bone, named using the Latin word forcula. The bone has been called "merrythought" in England since…

Training Table

A training table is a table where athletes in training are provided meals. The term was popularly used in competitive rowing (especially between Harvard and Yale) in the 1870s and 1880s and is…

Wish Sandwich

A "wish sandwich" was explained in the song "Rubber Biscuit," originally by The Chips in 1956, but popularized by the Blues Brothers (Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi) on the New…

Meat and Three (Meat and Two)

"Meat and three" (or "meat 'n' three") is a restaurant that serves meat and three (usually vegetable) sides. The term has become popular in Nashville (TN), but many…

Nooch (nutritional yeast)

"Nooch" is slang for "nutritional yeast," a popular vegan nutritional supplement and cheese substitute. "Nooch" is cited in print from at least 2005 and was either…

Blue Plate Special

"Blue plate special" (or "blue-plate special" or "blue plate dinner") is the name of a low-priced meal of meat (or fish) with vegetables, all served on one (often…

Cheftestant (chef contestant)

"Cheftestant" was coined in 2006 by recapper Keckler of the blog 'Television Without Pity," referring to the chef contestants of the Bravo television channel cooking show Top…

White Pizza

"White pizza" (pizza without tomato sauce) is found at many pizzerias in the New York area, but is not often found in other parts of the country. The Italian "pizza bianca" is a…

Garlic Knots (Pizza Knots)

Garlic Knots (also called "pizza knots") are usually made in pizzerias with pizza dough, adding garlic and sometimes Parmesan cheese, oregano, and parsley. The dough is shaped into a…