Archive for 11/2008

Doughnut Hole (Donut Hole)

Captain Hanson Crockett Gregory of Maine (1831-1921) is usually given credit for inventing the doughnut hole while at sea in 1847. Gregory explained his invention in an interview given in 1916 (see…

Bomboloni (Italian doughnuts)

Bomboloni are Italian doughnuts, popular in Florence. These are more doughnut holes than doughnuts, filled with vanilla pastry cream, raspberry jam, or other fillings. The Italian…

Mixed Fries (french fries + sweet potato fries)

"Mixed fries" are usually a combination of french fries and sweet potato fries, although other combinations are sometimes offered. Mixed fries became popular in American restaurants in…

Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato fries (or "sweet potato french fries") became popular in American restaurants from the 1980s. The fries are prepared like french fries, and both are sometimes combined as…

Recession Special (reduced-price food)

Gray's Papaya began in 1973 at Broadway and West 72nd Street, offering hot dogs and papaya juice just like the older Papaya King. In the late 1980s or early 1990s, Gray's began offering a…

Lunch Wagon

The lunch wagon (often called the "night lunch wagon" or "night owl" or "owl" because of the night hours of the business) is first cited in a Worcester (MA) newspaper…