Archive for 11/2008

Rats With Antlers (deer nickname)

Texas has a large deer population. Many Texans view deer as a nuisance, calling them "rats with antlers." John McPhee of The New Yorker wrote an essay for the November 25, 1984 issue,…

“Never order salad at a barbecue joint”

Good barbecue comes with sides (such as potato salad), but a rule of thumb often given is to "never order a salad at a barbecue joint." Most barbecue places don't serve salads,…

Turkey Tamale Pie (Turkey Tamales)

Tamales are often made with pork, but turkey tamales have been popular on Thanksgiving. "Turkey tamales" are cited in print from at least 1897. A turkey tamale pie often includes…

Subway Super Bowl

The New York Giants (representing the National Football Conference) have never played the New York Jets (representing the American Football Conference) in the Super Bowl. An all-New York…

Broadway Bowl

If the New York Jets (representing the American Football Conference) play the New York Giants (representing the National Football Conference) in the Super Bowl, what would the game be nicknamed?…

Chicken and Dumplings (Slickers)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Chicken and dumplingsChicken and Dumplings is a popular soul food dish commonly found in the United States that is made by combining the two ingredients in its…

Ham Sandwich

The ham sandwich -- cited in print from at least 1806 -- has long been one of the most popular sandwiches. The "sandwich" was named in England, and ham sandwiches were very popular in…

New Wild Boar Village

"York" has been translated as "place of yew trees" and as "wild boar town." In 2008, The Atlas of True Names suggested that the true name of New York City is "New…

Central Distressway (Central Expressway in Dallas)

Central Expressway (first opened in the 1950s) goes through downtown Dallas and has been dubbed "Central Distressway" since at least the early 1990s. The population of the Dallas area and…

Atomic Deer Turds

"Atomic deer turds" were named by food writer Robb Walsh in a November 19, 2008 post on the Houston (TX) Press food blog (see below). The "turd" name follows several others,…

Chitlin’ Circuit

The "chitlin' circuit" (also spelled "chitlins circuit" and "chittlins circuit" and "chitterling(s) circuit") is the name that was given to…

Roach Coach

"Roach coach" is an unfortunate nickname for many taco trucks. In the 1970s, airlines serving Latin America were sometimes called "roach coaches" (a slur against the…

MFFL (Mavericks Fan For Life)

"MFFL" stands for "Mavericks Fan For Life" (or "Mavs Fan For Life"). Mark Cuban bought the Dallas Mavericks NBA basketball team in January 2000. By January 2001, Cuban…

Eggnog (Egg Nog)

Eggnog (also spelled "egg nog" and "egg-nog") contains beaten eggs with a liquor base, such as rum, brandy or whiskey. Milk, cream and sugar are often added. "Egg…