Archive for 11/2004

Beavers (CCNY teams)

"Go Beavers!" No, that's not porn coming back to Times Square. "Beaver" is the nickname of the City College of New York's sports teams. New York, historically, was a…

Mayor’s Trophy

The New York baseball teams in the American and National Leagues historically didn't play against each other, except possibly in a World Series. Starting 1910, in an informal "City…

Co-op City

"Co-op City" is that huge 1960s development in the Bronx. The parking situation there is a mess, but that's a story for another day. A good web site (with a Co-op City Web Ring) is…

Tudor City

"Tudor City," in New York City? Have we gone London? It's called "Tudor City" after the architecture and, well, that's the name the developer gave it. The first…

Manhattan Project

Why was it called the "Manhattan Project"? Didn't it take place outside of Manhattan - such as Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Los Alamos, New Mexico? There are several good web sites on…

Bi-coastal (NY & LA)

In the 1970s, people in the entertainment industry who lived and/or worked in both New York City and Los Angeles referred to themselves as "bi-coastal" (or "bicoastal"). The…


Paris Hilton is/was sometimes described as a "celebutante." The word is a combination of "celebrity" + "debutante." 20 July 1986, Chicago Tribune, city edition, pg.…

The Bronx? No Thonx!

The Bronx?No thonx! This - one of the shortest poems ever - is the product of Ogden Nash (1902-1971). It was called a "Geographical Reflection" in his book Hard-Lines (1931). In 1964,…

Oyster Pan Roast

"Oyster Pan Roast" is most famously served in New York City at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Terminal. The Oyster Bar has been a New York institution since 1913. "Oyster Pan…

Little Africa

Several places were called "Little Africa." 8 January 1898, New York Times, pg. 5:Church for Negroes on the West Side.The Rev. P. Butler Thompkins, pastor of St. James's Presbyterian…

New York Font

There is a "New York font." The first mention of it in Google Groups appears to be in 1996. Below are sites that have the "New York font" and other famous fonts. New York…