Mayor’s Trophy

The New York baseball teams in the American and National Leagues historically didn't play against each other, except possibly in a World Series.

Starting 1910, in an informal "City Series," the Yankees played the Giants.

In 1934, the New York City policemen played the firemen for charity. This baseball game was for a "Mayor's Trophy."

In 1946, the Yankees-Giants affair in mid-season was also for a "Mayor's Trophy." The trophy series was Yankees-Dodgers every other year. This ended in 1958, when the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles and the Giants moved to San Francisco.

In 1963, the Yankees would begin a "Mayor's Trophy" series against a new team, the expansion New York Mets. This charity tradition continued until interleague play (American versus National Leagues) in 1997.

The players - most of whom just wanted the day off - disliked the game and many didn't take the charity competition seriously. In later years, attendance dwindled.

16 June 1934, New York Times, pg. 11:

Department Nines Clash Today for
Mayor's Trophy.

The Police and FIre Department baseball teams will clash at the Polo Grounds today in their traditional baseball game. Mayor LaGuardia has promised to curtail his participation in the Bronx County celebration in order to throw out the first ball. The teams will compete for the Mayor's trophy.

The proceeds of the game will go to the Welfare Department's special fund for the homeless unemployed, the Police Department's relief fund and the Fire Department's emergency relief fund.

30 August 1935, New York Times, pg. 21:

Defeats Firemen to Capture
Mayor's Trophy Before 5,000
at the Yankee Stadium.

5 August 1946, New York Times, pg. 25:
Today is an off day for the Giants and the Yankees. But, it will be a big night for New York's sandlotters in whose interests the Giants and Yankees will collide in the second game of the Pa Knickerbocker series designed to stimulate the promotion of sport among the city's youngsters.

Under the lights of Yankee Stadium this inter-league battle will be waged. It will find the Giants trying to forestall acquisition by the Yankees of the Mayor's Trophy, which has been donated for the club winning two of the three games scheduled.

The Yankees bagged the first encounter July 1 at the Polo Grounds when the left-handed Bill Wight and Mel Queen contrived to shut out the Giants, 3 to 0.
History of Yankee-Giant conflict dates back to 1910 and the records show the Giants have bagged twenty-six victories to twnety-four for the Yankees, while two games ended in deadlocks.

15 June 1951, New York Times, pg. 28:
Fifteen agencies working with more than 150,000 New York youngsters on sandlot and amateur baseball programs will benefit from the proceeds of the Mayor's Trophy Game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Yankees at the Yankee Stadium on the night of June 25.

Four Brooklyn playgrounds are among the beneficiaries. They are: Shore Parkway, Betsy Head, Coney Island and Flatbush. The Trophy Game has been played every year for the past six years.

12 March 1958, New York TImes, pg. 39:
Mayor's Charity Game
Is Likely to Go Begging

The annual Mayor's Trophy baseball game, played most recently between the Yankees and Dodgers, yesterday was declared a casualty of the moves to California of the Dodgers and Giants.

23 April 1963, New York Times, pg. 41:
Mayor Wagner announced yesterday that the annual Mayor's Trophy Game between the New York Yankees and the New York Mets would be played Monday night, June 3, at Yankee Stadium.