Alphebetical for "d"

Death Street (Houston Street)

Houston Street in Manhattan has sometimes been called 'Death Street" for bicyclists. 28 June 2006, New York Daily News,…

Death’s Thoroughfare (Mulberry Street)

Mulberry Street in Manhattan was called "Death's Thoroughfare" by the Board of Health in the 19th century, but several streets with tenements also deserved the title. The Sun (New…


Entry in progress -- BP Wikipedia: COVID-19 pandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe…

Debbie Downer

"Debbie Downer" describes a person -- usually female, but not always -- who always brings bad news and depressing feelings to others. The "Debbie Downer" character was…

Debt Man Walking

"Debt man walking" (a pun on the title of the 1995 film Dead Man Walking) refers to someone in a lot of debt. The moniker was the title of a book, Debt Man Walking: a 10-step investment…


"Debt-serfdom" (or "debt serfdom") is a condition where someone works like a serf or slave to eliminate a large debt. The term "debt serfdom" has existed since at…

Debtoholic (debt + -oholic)

Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterJF‏@jmf27614Democrats have no grasp of reality. Spendoholics, Debtoholics. #tcot #glennbeck #rush #tcot #sgp #teaparty PM -…


"Decafate" was the Urban Dictionary's "Urban Word of the Day" for June 20, 2013. According to the original Urban Dictionary entry from June 18, 2013, "decafate"…