Dallas Crimes Herald (Dallas Times Herald nickname)

The Dallas Times Herald began in 1879 as the Dallas Daily Times, merging with the Dallas Daily Herald to become the Dallas Times Herald in 1888. The newspaper was a popular news source until 1991, when it was bought by the rival Dallas Morning News and then closed.
A popular nickname of the Dallas Times Herald (used even by some of its employees, such as Joe Bob Briggs and Molly Ivins) was Dallas Crimes Herald. The Dallas Morning News was nicknamed the Morning Snooze.
Wikipedia: Dallas Times Herald
The Dallas Times Herald, founded in 1888 by a merger of the Dallas Times and the Dallas Herald, was once one of two major daily newspapers serving the Dallas, Texas (USA) area. It won three Pulitzer Prizes, all for photography, and two George Polk Awards, for local and regional reporting. As an afternoon publication for most of its 103 years, its demise was hastened by the shift of newspaper reading habits to morning papers, as well as the loss of an antitrust lawsuit against crosstown rival The Dallas Morning News.
On December 8, 1991, Belo, owner of The Dallas Morning News, bought the Times Herald for $55 million and closed the paper the next day. 
Handbook of Texas Online
DALLAS TIMES HERALD. The Dallas Times Herald (formerly the Dallas Daily Times-Herald) was founded in 1888 after a merger of the Dallas Daily Times with the Dallas Daily Herald. The Daily Times was founded in 1879 by J. A. Adams, who later that year sold the paper to Edward C. McClure and William Greene Sterett. The Daily Herald, first published in 1873 by John Swindell, was published in 1886 by M. H. Claytor, who later that year sold the paper to L. L. Foster and Charles E. Gilbert. Gilbert, a prohibitionist, and Sterett, a prohibition opponent, were unlikely partners and had debated their differences in the editorial columns of their respective newspapers. However, when threatened by financial ruin they agreed to merge their papers and produce the Dallas Daily Times-Herald, the first issue of which came out on January 2, 1888. In July of that year Sterett sold his interest in the paper to Gilbert, who used the paper to fight for such causes as immigrants’ rights and the development of Dallas. The paper also became the first in the city to use electricity. The Dallas Daily Times-Herald joined the Associated Press in 1890 and, as the decade progressed, continued its role as a Dallas booster. It advanced such causes as street paving, improved sanitation, and water facilities. In the gubernatorial election of 1892 it supported the reelection of James S. Hogg. During the depression of that year the paper suffered major financial setbacks, and Gilbert was forced to put it into receivership under the administration of Oliver P. Bowser.
The last blow came in 1989, when the rights to twenty-six Universal Press Syndicate features, which the Times Herald had been running, were bought by the A. H. Belo Corporation, publisher of the Morning News. In retaliation the Times Herald filed an antitrust lawsuit against Belo, but lost. The Times Herald appealed the decision and was denied again. On December 8, 1991, Belo bought the Times Herald for $55 million. The paper became another exemplar of the nationwide trend away from having competing papers in major cities, as large corporations bought out newspaper competitors. The Dallas Times Herald printed its final edition on December 9, 1991.
Google Books
The Traveler
by John Katzenbach
Pg. 173:
People used to call it the Crimes-Herald, but that’s another story.
Google Books
American Stories
by Calvin Trillin
New York, NY: Ticknor & Fields
Pg. 46:
The joke names for the two papers in Dallas were the Morning Snooze an the Crimes Herald.
Google Groups: misc.transport.road
Newsgroups: misc.transport.road
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Jon Morse)
Date: 1999/11/29
Subject: Re: Newspaper nicknames (was Re: Princeton’s attitude problem)
The Fort Worth Startlegram (Star-Telegram)
The Dallas Crimes-Herald (Times-Herald; nickname made semi-famous, if not coined, by Joe-Bob Briggs, a.k.a. former Times-Herald movie critic John Bloom)
The Dallas Boring Snooze (Morning News)
The Fairfax Gerbil (Journal, because it’s such a cute little paper…)
Poynter Online: Newspaper Nicknames
Posted by Dale Parry 10/28/2003 1:29:51 PM
At the Dallas Morning Snooze, we had two major competitors: the Fort Worth Startle-a-gram and the Dallas Crimes Terrible.
The Adventures of Bloggard
Posted Tuesday 04 November 2003
Joe Bob Briggs and the Dallas Crimes Herald
Dallas, Texas, 1985: J.B. (who shall remain nameless) was a columnist for the Dallas Times Herald, which is a real big dominant daily newspaper, highly profitable because Neiman Marcus (“Needless Markup”) advertises things such as diamond-studded his and hers gold bathtubs and other things which every home ought to have.
ACES - Derogatory newspaper nicknames
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:14 pm
When there were two dailies in Dallas, one conservative and one more sensationalistic, they were known as the Morning Snooze and the Crimes-Herald.
Next door in Fort Worth, the Star-Telegram is widely called the Startlegram.