Alphebetical for "c"

Christmas Capital of Texas (Grapevine nickname)

The city of Grapevine (a suburb of Fort Worth) holds many Christmas events. The nickname "Christmas Capital of Texas" was trademarked by the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Google BooksHatchet Jobs and Hardball: The Oxford dictionary of American political slangBy Grant BarrettPublished by Oxford University Press US2004Pg. 80:chubbing n.…

Chuck Box

The chuck wagon was declared by the Texas legislature to the the official state vehicle of Texas. Attached to the back of the chuck wagon was usually the "chuck box," a cook's pantry…

Chuck Eater

A "chuck eater" is another cowboy term for a "greenhorn" or "pilgrim" or "tenderfoot." To the old hands, a "chuck eater" can't do the work and…

Chuck Line (Chuckline)

In the old west, a "chuck line" (or "chuckline") formed at the chuck wagon (the official Texas state vehicle) so cowboys could get their fill of grub. Some people were said to…

Chuck Wagon

The "chuck wagon" has been recognized as an official state vehicle of Texas. It is often claimed that the "chuck wagon" was invented by Charles Goodnight during his cattle drive…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: chuggableAdjectivechuggable (not comparable)1. Able to be chugged; suitable for chugging.It's a light beer, so is perfectly chuggable, unlikely the fizzy…

Chump Change

"Chump change" is a small and/or insignificant mount of money -- the money a "chump" makes, not a "champ." "Chump change" was printed in the Philadelphia…

Chupacabra or Chupacabras (goat-sucker)

The "chupacabra" (goat-sucker) was first spotted in Puerto Rico, in the 1970s. Sightings have also been made in Florida and Mexico; from the 1990s, chupacabra sightings have occurred in…