Alphebetical for "b"

“Bacon is meat candy”

"Bacon is meat candy" is a saying that has been printed on many T-shirts. Rocco Loosbrock of trademarked the saying with a date of first use of March 1, 2007; the trademark…

“Bacon is the candy of meat”

"Bacon is meat candy" is a jocular description that has been cited in print since at least 2005. "Bacon: candy of meats" was cited on Twitter on May 21, 2007. "Bacon would…

“Bacon is the champagne of meat”

"Bacon: The champagne of meat" is a bacon saying that has been printed on many images. The saying means that bacon is highly prized and special, like champagne. "Bacon is the…

“Bacon is the champagne of meats”

"Bacon: The champagne of meat" is a bacon saying that has been printed on many images. The saying means that bacon is highly prized and special, like champagne. "Bacon is the…

“Bacon is the duct tape of food”

"Bacon is the duct tape of food" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Bacon can get wrapped around other foods and "fixes" them. "BACON is the duct tape of…