“Barbers. You have to take your hat off to them”
The expression "you have to take your hat off to them" means that you've got to give them praise and credit. Some jokes. however, take the expression literally. "Hairdressers:…
The expression "you have to take your hat off to them" means that you've got to give them praise and credit. Some jokes. however, take the expression literally. "Hairdressers:…
A "barista" is a coffeehouse employee who prepares drinks, such as at Starbucks. "Barista" is not feminine, but some people believe that the term "baristo" should…
Many people are not pleasant until they've had their morning coffee. "The staff of @DunkinDonuts must be saints for dealing with people BEFORE they've had their morning coffee!…
"Baroque (adj.): when you're out of Monet" is a jocular statement (fake French for "broke -- when you're out of money") that has been printed on many gift items, such…
An entertainment is sometimes said to be "a barrel of laughs" (to have a lot of laughs) or "a barrel of fun" (to have a lot of fun). The "barrel" term was popular in…
An entertainment is sometimes said to be "a barrel of laughs" (to have a lot of laughs) or "a barrel of fun" (to have a lot of fun). The "barrel" term was popular in…
"Bars are weird. They're the only business that throws you out for buying too much of their product" is a saying that has been printed on several images. An intoxicated (drunk)…
"Bars are weird. They're the only business that throws you out for buying too much of their product" is a saying that has been printed on several images. An intoxicated (drunk)…
Many bars have a "happy hour," but some people think they should have hours for other emotions. This was posted on Twitter by stoned cold fox on January 17, 2022, and received over 66,700…
Baseball is sometimes used in chemistry jokes. "If Al Kaline played baseball, who played acidball?" was posted on the newsgroup alt.humor.puns on December 5, 1996. "If a baseball…
Baseball is sometimes used in chemistry jokes. "Baseball implies the existence of acidball" was posted on Twitter by 12 Days of President Warren G. Harding on October 23, 2019.…
"Base" and "cringe" are opposites, so many people have applied this to the sport of baseball to invent its opposite. "Baseball or cringeball?" was posted on Twitter…
Many sports have been called "a game of adjustments." "Football is a game of adjustments" was cited in print in 1959. "This (baseball -- ed.) is a game of adjustments"…
"Baseball is 90 percent mental" has been cited in print since at least 1974. Kansas City Royals outfielder Jim Wohlford was cited in April 1974 for saying:: "Ninety per cent of this…
What's the oldest sport? Baseball is the first sport because it's in the Bible, according to a very old joke that's been cited since at least 1881: "Base ball is old in the…
Many baseball players have stuff in their mouths, such as gum or chewing tobacco. "Baseball is the only game you can play with food in your mouth smh" was posted on Twitter on May 15,…
Many baseball players have stuff in their mouths, such as gum or chewing tobacco. "Baseball is the only game you can play with food in your mouth smh" was posted on Twitter on May 15,…
"Baseball is weird" (or "baseball is a weird game") is a common saying. Unlike sports such as football, basketball, hockey and soccer, there is no clock is baseball. There is no…
"Baseball is wrong. A man with 4 balls cannot walk" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. Many versions have this as a "Confucius say" mock Chinese proverb.…
"Baseball is wrong. A man with 4 balls cannot walk" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. Many versions have this as a "Confucius say" mock Chinese proverb.…