An etymological dictionary

Investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases. Over 38,000 entries.

“N.Y.C.” (1977)

The musical Annie (1977) was based on a comic strip about a little orphan girl. It was a great Broadway success and was later made into a big-budget (but unsuccessful) film. The most-remembered…


A "slumlord" (or "slum landlord") is the owner of a property in disrepair who lets to tenants. The term is American and dates after the Second World War (1945--). Our first…

Lush Worker

A "lush worker" is a pickpocket who preys on drunks. People who fall asleep in the subway often get pickpocketed, and the term "lush worker" has been applied to these…

Living Landmarks

The private New York Landmarks Conservancy began naming "living landmarks" at a fundraising dinner in 1994. These are "New Yorkers who have made New York New York." One example…

NIT (National Invitation Tournament)

Madison Square Garden plays host to college basketball's National Invitation Tournament (N.I.T.). It used to be the tops in college basketball, but that was before the NCAA college basketball…

Shea Town

Shea Stadium (named after a lawyer named Shea, not the Che on T-shirts) is the home of the New York Mets. Since about 2002, "Shea Town" has been used in rap music to mean New York City.…

Bacardi Big Apple

"Bacardi Big Apple" (apple-flavored rum) was introduced in 2005 with a large ad campaign in New York City. A

Sidewalk Superintendent

"Sidewalk superintendent" was John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s idea. During the Depression, many unemployed workers sat at the construction sites, watched, and commented…

Doggie Bag

According to legend, the "doggie bag" tradition started with the steakhouses on Manhattan's east side. Who could finish all that good food? Why let it go to waste? Why not take home…


"Mungo" is a word used by sanitation workers to refer to things salvaged from the trash. It haf been assumed that it comes from "mung," a cheap cloth. But no direct link has…

Big Belly (trash compactor)

"Big Belly" has been introduced to New York City. It's a new, solar-powered trash can that could be on a corner near you. "Big Belly" is a trade name by Seahorse Power…