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An "entomatada" is a rolled tortilla dipped in tomato sauce and with fillings, similar to the enchilada. Although the "entomatada" is from Oaxaca, Mexico, it's become a…

Texas Pete (hot sauce from Winston-Salem, NC)

"Texas Pete" is not the name of any real individual, but is known as the name of a hot sauce from...Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The name "Texas Pete" was trademarked in 1936.…

Pachanga (Pachanga Politics)

A "pachanga" is a Latin-American dance of Cuban origin. A South Texas "pachanga" is a barbecue/party, often one where politics is discussed. The term "pachanga…

Step Into The Real Texas (Amarillo motto)

"Step Into The Real Texas" is the motto of the city of Amarillo, promoted by the Amarillo Convention and Visitor Council since 1990. Amarillo likes to promote its cowboy image, and two…

City of Palms (McAllen nickname)

McAllen in South Texas has been called the "City of Palms" since the 1920s. Ancient Jericho was called "City of Palms," and Miami (FL) was called "City of Palms and…

Rompope (Mexican eggnog)

Rompope ("rohm-POH-pay") is frequently called "Mexican eggnog." It usually contains eggs, milk, vanilla flavoring and rum. Rumpope was first made at a convent in Puebla, Mexico…

Land of the High Sky (Midland nickname)

Author John Howard Griffin called Midland, Texas "Land of the High Sky" in his 1959 history of that name, commissioned by the First National Bank of Midland. The name is sometimes used…

Magic Valley (Lower Rio Grande Valley nickname)

The Lower Rio Grande Valley area of Texas has been called "Magic Valley" since at least 1916. Irrigation of the valley began just before 1900; the results caused promoters to call it a…

Japs (short for “jalapeños”)

The jalapeño is an official state pepper of Texas. The abbreviated name for the jalapeño is not "jal" or "hal" (as it would be pronounced) or even "hap," but…

Enchilada Soup (Chicken Enchilada Soup)

"Enchilada soup" is a recent addition to the Tex-Mex cuisine. The soup is not known in Mexico, where "tortilla soup" is popular. In 1995, the restaurant chain Chili's…

Peacemaker or La Mediatrice (oyster loaf)

New Orleans was famous for its oyster loaf in the 19th century. When husbands came home late in New Orleans, they were sure to bring with them a "peacemaker" or "la mediatrice"…