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YAI Central Park Challenge

The annual YAI Central Park Challenge raises funds for people with disabilities. Since its inception in 1957, YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities…

Big Apple Field Hockey (BAHF)

The Big Apple has a field hockey organization. Several tournaments are held each year., Inc. (Big Apple Hockey) is a not-for-profit…

Little Cuba

Florida has neighborhoods called "Little Havana" or "Little Cuba." This one New York City citation below may be isolated. The term is not in use today.…

Little Senegal

The area of 116th Street in Harlem is called "Little Senegal" because of the many African immigrants in the area. The 2002 film Little Senegal helped to establish the name.…

“Service with a smile”

It's not known when the "service with a smile" slogan was first used, but it appears in an ad for the Abraham & Straus (A&S) store as early as 1915. 28 November 1915, New…

United We Stand (9-11 slogan)

"United We Stand" appeared almost immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks (see Google Groups posts below). The saying has appeared on badges with an image of the World Trade…

SOHO candy bar (from Turkey)

There is a "SOHO" candy bar that is popular in Turkey. The wrapper shows tall buildings, like New York City. The chocolate candy bar is not sold in the United States. Does anyone have a…