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Buttermilk Pie

Buttermilk pie is popular all over the South, but it's especially popular in Texas. In West Texas -- where there's not always enough fruit for fruit pies -- buttermilk pie is a classic…

Buttermilk Dressing (Buttermilk Salad Dressing)

Buttermilk became widely used in salad dressings from the 1920s. By the 1950s and 1960s, recipes for "buttermilk (salad) dressing" became quite numerous in newspapers. In 1967, Hidden…

Ranch Dressing (Ranch Salad Dressing; Ranch Dip)

"Ranch dressing" is a 1967-trademarked product of the Hidden Valley Ranch in California. (The trademark has since been sold.) In the 1980s, ranch dressing began to be used on everything,…

Ranch Burger (Ranchburger; Ranchero Burger)

A "ranch burger" (ranch hamburger) is very different from a "ranchburger" house. The name "ranch burger" has been used by various hamburger-selling establishments…

Texas of Canada (Alberta province nickname)

The Canadian province of Alberta is often compared with Texas. The "Texas of Canada" is rich in oil reserves, has many ranches, has a love of rodeo (the Calgary Stampede), has plenty of…

Agg Town or Aggtown (Arlington nickname)

Agg Town (or Aggtown) is a hip-hop nickname for the city of Arlington, dating from about 2003. The nickname is confusing -- it has nothing to do with the Texas A&M Aggies. The origin of the…

Lebanese Iced Tea

Iced tea is a favorite drink in the South. Sweet tea is sometimes called "the champagne of the South." Lebanese iced tea is made with rosewater and pine nuts and is served at Middle…

Texatini (cocktail)

A "Texatini" cocktail is basically a "martini" (gin and vermouth) with tequila substituted for the gin. The "Texatini" was published in The El Paso Chile Company…

Oysters Texasfeller

"Oysters Texasfeller" is Jon Bonnell's (Bonnell's restaurant in Fort Worth) variation on the classic "Oysters Rockefeller." The "Texasfeller" uses gulf…

Fish Taco (Lobster Taco)

The "taco" is a Mexican sandwich wrapped in a tortilla, usually containing meat. The "fish taco" became popular in the United States when Ralph Rubio first sold them from his…

White Chili (“bowl of white”)

White chili ("bowl of white") differs greatly from the "bowl of red" that is the Texas official state dish (chili). White chili contains chicken and white beans;…

Coonass (Coon-ass)

"Coonass" (or "coon-ass") is a term used to describe Cajuns. The term is used especially in Lousiana and in the parts of Texas with a strong Louisiana influence (such as Port…

Dirty Rice (Cajun Rice)

Dirty rice (sometimes called "Louisiana dirty rice" or "cajun rice") is a popular Louisiana rice dish. Port Arthur ("Cajun Capital of Texas") has several places that…

Rattlesnake Code (Rattlesnake’s Code)

The "cowboy code" was an unwritten code of conduct for the cowboy, a way to treat everyone fairly and honestly. For gunslingers, there was also a "rattlesnake's code." The…

Sombrero (cocktail)

A "Sombrero" cocktail is Kahlua (the Mexican coffee liqueur) and cream or milk. The drink is first cited in the 1970s. It is unknown why the name "Sombrero" (a Mexican hat) was…