“You can tell Santa is a man because no woman would ever wear the same outfit every year”

Several jocular arguments have been made to determine if Santa Claus is a woman or a man. A strong point for the proposition that Santa is a man was posted on the newsgroup alt.humor on December 4, 1998:
Q. How can we be absolutely certain that Santa Claus is, in fact, a man?
A. Would a woman wear the same outfit year in and year out?

Google Groups: alt.humor
Keith Sullivan
Q. How can we be absolutely certain that Santa Claus is, in fact, a man?
A. Would a woman wear the same outfit year in and year out?
Google Groups: soc.culture.vietnamese
Santa is a female!!!
Qua? Ta.
There is absolutely NO way Santa is female.  Here’s why:
Would any self respecting female Santa really be seen wearing the SAME outfit year after year? No, she would have to have a new one each year. And red would not be the color. It would be more like pink or purple.
12 December 1999, Green Bay (WI) Press Gazette, “‘Tis the season for the Santa Claus gender debate” by Tom Perry, pg. B1, col. 7:
This week a friend sent me an e-mail about a debate that has been raging in some corners of the Internet.
It seems there are people questioning whether Santa Claus is a man.
And finally, would any self-respecting female Santa really be seen wearing the same outfit year after year? And it certainly wouldn’t be red. It would be something slimming.
17 December 2008, Chattanooga (TN) Free Press, “Daily Bridge Club” by Frank Stewart:
I sat down to watch a Chicago game and found Cy the Cynic, a shameless chauvinist, and Wendy, my club’s feminist, arguing heartily about whether Santa Claus was a man or a woman.
“A woman would never wear the same outfit year after year,” Cy was saying.
How do you know Santa has to be a man?
No woman is going to wear the same outfit year after year.
11:27 PM - 23 Dec 2008
22 December 2010, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, ON), “Santa’s gender” by Greig Birchfield, pg. A22:
The answer to Is Santa A Woman? (Social Studies - Dec. 21) is obvious. He’s a man, because he wears the same outfit every year.
21 December 2011, Gold Coast (Queensland) Sun-Central, “Just for Laughs,” pg. 44:
How do you know that Santa is a man?
No woman wears the same outfit every year!
Reddit—Clean Jokes
You can tell Santa is a man… (self.cleanjokes)
submitted December 9, 2017 by madazzahatterQuality “Ugh” Contributor
...because no woman would ever wear the same outfit every year.