World’s Fair (1853, 1939-40, 1964-65)

The first "World's Fair" was London's Crystal Palace exhibtion of 1851. New York City followed quickly with a Crystal Palace "World's Fair" of its very own, in 1853. The site would later be the Croton Reservoir and is current the site of the New York Public Library, at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street.

New York would hold World's Fairs in 1939-40 and 1964-65.

(Oxford English Dictionary)
world's fair orig. U.S., an international exposition of arts, science, industry, and agriculture.

1850 New-England Farmer II. 413 The State Board of Agriculture are making up a collection of samples of Indian corn for the World's Fair.'s_Fair
A World's Fair is any of various large expositions held since the mid 19th century. The official sanctioning body is the Bureau of International Expositions (usually abbreviated BIE, from the organization's name in French, Bureau International des Expositions).
The Crystal Palace, from the first World's Fair in London in 1851, chosen because it could be recycled to recoup losses, was such a success that it was moved and intended to be permanent, only to be destroyed by a fire (of its contents) in 1936.
When the first major international exhibition of arts and industries was held in London in 1851, the London Crystal Palace epitomized the achievements of the entire world at a time when progress was racing forward at a speed never before known to mankind. The Great Exhibition marked the beginning of a tradition of world's fairs, which would be held in major cities all across the globe. Following the success of the London fair, it was inevitable that other nations would soon try their hand at organizing their own exhibitions. In fact, the next international fair was held only two years later, in 1853, in New York City. This fair would have its own Crystal Palace to symbolize not only the achievements of the world, but also the nationalistic pride of a relatively young nation and all that she stood for. Walt Whitman, the great American poet, wrote in "The Song of the Exposition":

... a Palace,
Lofter, fairer, ampler than any yet,
Earth's modern wonder, History's Seven out stripping,
High rising tier on tier, with glass and iron facades,
Gladdening the sun and sky - enhued in the cheerfulest hues,
Bronze, lilac, robin's-egg, marine and crimson
Over whose golden roof shall flaunt, beneath thy banner, Freedom.

10 November 1849, Literary Union, pg. 92:
Arrangements are being made for the Exhibition of Industry, to be held in London next year. It is to be a World Fair, to which all nations without distinction or preference, may attend for the exhibition of their various specimens of art and industry.

2 February 1850, New-England Farmer, pg. 43:
Among the great schemes that have resulted from steam navigation and travelling, is that grand plan for a monster exhibition, or the World's Fair, to be held in London in 1851.

30 January 1851, American Railway Times, pg. 1:
We find in the London Times of January 1st, the following remarks and description of the "Crystal Palace," in which the World's Fair is to be held.

14 September 1853, Circular, pg. 346:
The extensive police system inside of the building, is a proper accompaniment of the money system; but like that will descend to the future only among the incredibilities of history concerning the first World's Fair.

1 November 1853, Forrester's Boys' and Girl's Magazine, and Fireside Companion, "The Crystal Palace," pg. 130:
The Palace went up with marvellous speed, and became the greatest wonder of that wonder world in Hyde Park.

The friends of art in America, seeing the success of the first World's Fair and of the Crystal Palace, resolved to get up another. With Americans, you know, to resolve is to do. So up went a palace on the sixth avenue in New York City, not so large as the one in England, but perhaps fully equal to it in symmetry and beauty.