“Why would you take a car door to the desert?”/“If you get hot, you can roll the window down.”

A car riddle is:
Q: Why would you take a car door to the desert?
A: If you get hot, you can roll the window down.

The joke was posted on the newsgroup rec.humor on January 9, 1997. Different groups of supposedly stupid people have been inserted in the joke.
Google Groups: rec.humor
World’s Worst Jokes [Long]
Craig Kelly
Why did the Irishman take a car door to the desert? So when he got hot, he could wind the window down!
Google Groups: mpc.lists.misc.giggles
There were 3 people going to the desert.  One man had a candy bar, the other had a jug of water, and the other had a car door.  The man with the candy bar asked the man with the jug of water, “Why do you have a jug of water?’.  He replied, “So if I get thirsty, I can drink it.  Then the man with the jug of water asked the man with the candy bar, “Why do you have a candy bar?”  He replied, “So if I get hungry, I can eat it. Then they both asked 3rd guy..why the car door..?
“so if it gets hot….............................................
i can roll the window down
Google Groups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
My favourite blond jokes….
>There were three women going to the desert. One was a brunette, one was a
>redhead, and the other was a blonde. The brunette says, “Ok. It’s going to
>hot, so bring something to cool off. I’m bringing a water bottle”. The
>says, “I’ll bring a fan.” The blonde says, “I’ll bring a car door so I can
>down the window when it gets hot!”
Kelly Fitzgerald
Replying to @FaBbEr0oZ
@FaBbEr0oZ Why did the blonde take the car door out to the desert?  So she could roll down the window when it got too hot.
4:58 PM - 15 Mar 2010
Mrs. E.D.Q to you.
@iluvFoxx another warren brown classic.. y did the man bring a car door to the desert? to roll down the window when he got hot!
12:27 PM - 13 Apr 2010
Reddit—Dad Jokes
Why would you take a car door with you to the desert? (self.dadjokes)
submitted June 1, 2017 by gramj_fw
Because if you get hot you can roll the window down.
Replying to @kevmcveigh @arrroberts
Reminds me of a Norweign joke; why did the guy from Oslo bring a car door to the desert?
So he could roll down the window and feel the cool air..
6:42 AM - 4 Feb 2018
Why would you take a car door with you to the desert? self.3amjokes
Submitted May 5, 2018 by gramj_fw
If you get hot you could roll the window down