“Why didn’t the atheist cross the road?”/“There’s no such thing as the other side.”

“Why did the chicken cross the road?”/“To get to the other side” is a classic riddle from the 19th century. An atheist version is:
Q: Why didn’t the atheist cross the road?
A: There’s no such thing as the other side.

“Why didn’t the atheist cross the road? “Because there is no other side!” #justmadethatup” was posted on Twitter on November 26, 2010. “Why didn’t the atheist cross the road? There’s no such thing as the other side” was posted on Twitter by sickipediabot on February 4, 2012.
“Q: Why did the atheist cross the road? A: So he could get to Hell faster!” was posted on the newsgroup Google Groups: alt.atheism on November 4, 1992. “Why did the atheist cross the road? To make sure there was another side” was posted on Twitter on August 14, 2009. “Why did the atheist cross the road? He thought there was a street on the other side, but he wldn’t believe it til he tested his hypothesis” was posted on Twitter on October 23, 2009.
Google Groups: alt.atheism     
Fundie Humor! (was Re: Top Ten Reasons to Bash Atheists)     
Maddi Hausmann
Q: Why did the atheist cross the road?
A: So he could get to Hell faster!
Google Groups: misc.education.home-school.christian
Why did the atheist cross the road?
...because everyone does eventually.  He just didn’t believe there was another side until he got there, and by then it was too late.  😊
Wes Hagen, J.Wilkes
RT @copydeskcat: @jengrunwald why did the atheist cross the road? To make sure there was another side.:: Or to escape someone ‘Witnessing’?
11:44 AM - 14 Aug 2009
Tanner Price ❌
Why did the atheist cross the road?
He thought there was a street on the other side, but he wldn’t believe it til he tested his hypothesis
2:32 PM - 23 Oct 2009
Blue Wode
Why did the atheist cross the road?He thot there might be a pavement on the other side but wouldn’t believe it til he tested his hypothesis
5:58 AM - 29 Nov 2009
19 December 2009, The Guardian (London, UK), “Cracker jokes are notoriously terrible, so we challenged top comedians to do better,” pg. 16:
Why did the atheist cross the road?
So he could see both sides.
Tom Wrigglesworth
why did the Atheist cross the road? he did’nt. there is no other side!
4:37 AM - 20 Apr 2010
Google Groups: alt.talk.creationism
How smart is an atheist? Lets see.
Why did the atheist cross the road?
He thought there might be a sidewalk on the other side, but he wouldn’t believe it until he tested with science.
John Wehrle
Why didn’t the atheist cross the road? “Because there is no other side!” #justmadethatup
10:37 PM - 26 Nov 2010
tiny jesus
Why did the atheist cross the road?
Plausible deniability.
11:17 AM - 16 Dec 2010
Google Books
Ultimate Book of Jokes:
The Essential Collection of More Than 1,500 Jokes

By Scott McNeely
San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books
Pg. 73:
Q: Why did the atheist cross the road?
A: He thought there might be a street on the other side, but he wouldn’t believe it until he tested the hypothesis.
Why didn’t the atheist cross the road?
There’s no such thing as the other side
8:19 PM - 4 Feb 2012
@beckyforecast -> “@Saulgood88: Why didn’t the Athiest cross the road? Because he didn’t believe in the other side.”
10:17 AM - 9 Jun 2012
Bob Kostic
Why did the Atheist cross the road?
There might be a street on the other side, but he wouldn’t believe it until he tested his hypothesis
8:12 AM - 18 Aug 2016
Why does the atheist cross the road?
submitted June 11, 2018 by basswrsthydr
He never will, the cross seems too religious…
Dave Kelly
Why didn’t the atheist cross the road?
He didn’t believe in the other side.
7:23 AM - 22 Jun 2018