“Why did the chicken cross the road?”/“North Korea’s long range missiles don’t reach that far.”

“Why did the chicken cross the road?”/“To get to the other side” is a classic riddle from the 19th century. A North Korea version is:
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: North Korea’s long range missiles don’t reach that far.

The joke went viral on Twitter on April 4, 2013, and has been printed on many images.
Google Books 
More One Liners, Jokes and Gags
Edited by Grant Tucker  
London, UK: Biteback Publishing Ltd
Pg. ?:
Why did the chicken cross the road? To escape North Korea’s long-range missiles.
Why did the chicken cross the road? North Korea’s missiles can’t reach that far
3:54 PM - 4 Apr 2013
Why did the chicken cross the road?
North Korea’s long-range missiles don’t reach that far
4:12 PM - 4 Apr 2013
Matt Torntore‏
Here’s a new one. Why did the chicken cross the road? North Korea’s long range missiles can’t get that far.
6:05 PM - 4 Apr 2013
11 April 2013, Bay of Plenty Times (Tauranga, New Zealand), “Twitter,” pg. A16:
@SueChangMW: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because North Korean long-range missiles can’t reach that far. #Korea
Bill Murray‏
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To escape North Korea’s long range missiles.
5:45 PM - 19 Apr 2013
Google Books
Is It Just Me …Or:
My view on 30 of the most dangerous delusions in America today

By Richard L. Montgomery
America Star Books,
Pg. ?:
So why did the North Korean Chicken Cross the road?... To get away from the North Korean long range ballistic missile. —Unknown
Why did the chicken cross the road?
submitted July 14, 2017 by Im_Tsuikyit
Because North Korea’s long range missiles can’t reach that far
Why did the chicken cross the road?
submitted October 10, 2017 by Shade8724
North Korea’s long range missiles don’t reach that far