“Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?”/“He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.”

Some people “wake up early in the morning.” This shouldn’t be confused with those who “wake up oily in the morning,” but there are jokes.
“You may or you may not think that Ed Wynn is exhilarating when he announces a song called ‘He Eats French Dressing Every Night So He Can Wake Up Oily in the Morning’” was printed in the Grand Rapids (MI) Press on October 18, 1924. “... then telling about the lady who ate French dressing so she could wake up ‘oily in the morning’” was printed in The Evening Sun (Baltimore, MD) on April 21, 1925.
“Peal: Why are you sleeping under that old car? Eeal: So I can wake up oily in the morning” was printed in the Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram on February 24, 1974. “Q. Why did the mechanic sleep under the car? A. He wanted to get up oily in the morning” was posted on the newsgroup alt.babylon5.uk on December 26, 2005. “Why’d the mechanic sleep under his car? He wanted to wake up oily in the morning #funnybecauseitstrue” was posted on X/Twitter by Ben Mansfield on December 24, 2011.
“Confucius say: ‘Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning’” was posted on the newsgroup renolug on April 7, 2009. “Confucius Say… Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning” was posted on Facebook by Donald Stirnweis on October 22, 2009. “Grease Monkey Who Go To Bed Early Wakes Up Oily In The Morning” was posted on X/Twitter by GENERAL on June 28, 2010.
18 October 1924, Grand Rapids (MI) Press, “Four NewPlays and Ed Wynn’s Whimsicalities Amuse Broadway” by Percy Hammond, pg. 8, col. 5:
You may or you may not think that Ed Wynn is exhilarating when he announces a song called “He Eats French Dressing Every Night So He Can Wake Up Oily in the Morning.”
(Ed Wynn in The Grab Bag.—ed.)
21 April 1925, The Evening Sun (Baltimore, MD), “Ed Wynn Musical Show,” pg. 26, col. 1:
Acting as a sort of middle-man, he (Ed Wynn—ed.) runs in on every scene, now advising a customer to have waffles and alphabet soup so that individual may form his own cross-word puzzles; then telling about the lady who ate French dressing so she could wake up “oily in the morning.”
24 February 1974, Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram, Mini Page, pg. 4, col. 1:
Peal: Why are you sleeping under that old car?
Eeal: So I can wake up oily in the morning.
Billy Carter, 9
Fort Worth

19 April 1987, Sunday Sun (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, UK), “Riddles,” pg. 16, col. 5:
Q: What happens if you go to sleep under a car?
A: You wake up oily in the morning.
Google Groups: rec.humor 
Life 4.D
Henry Cate III
May 6, 1993, 2:36:18 PM
Why are you sleeping under that old car?
So I can wake up oily in the morning.
14 December 1999, South Wales Echo (Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales), Look sec., pg. 6, col. 3:
Did you hear about dozy who slept under a tractor?
He wanted to wake up oily in the morning!!!
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Kids & Comics Puns & Riddles of the Weak 02-24-04
Stan Kegel
Feb 24, 2004, 2:37:14 PM
Why did the man sleep under the car?
So he could wake up oily in the morning. (Harri, 10)
Google Goups: alt.babylon5.uk
Merry Christmas
Arthur Buse
Dec 26, 2005, 3:49:23 PM
From a Christmas cracker:
Q. Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
A. He wanted to get up oily in the morning.
James Saunders
January 4, 2009 at 5:24 PM ·
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being rubbish, 10 actually making you laugh) where woud you rank this joke?
Q: Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
A: He wanted to get up oily in the morning.
Google Groups: renolug
Intel ICH5/6/7 SATA RAID and Linux
Adam Crum
Apr 7, 2009, 12:42:52 PM
Confucius say: “Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning.”

Donald Stirnweis
October 22, 2009 at 10:54 AM ·
Confucius Say… Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning.
Grease Monkey Who Go To Bed Early Wakes Up Oily In The Morning
8:17 PM · Jun 28, 2010
Mim Stacey
@DrCris Why did the mechanic sleep under the car? ‘Cause he wanted to wake up “oily” in the morning. 6yo’s Current fave
5:16 AM · Jun 26, 2011
Ben Mansfield
Why’d the mechanic sleep under his car? He wanted to wake up oily in the morning #funnybecauseitstrue #warner #betterbegettingsomerest
10:23 PM · Dec 24, 2011
Q. Why did the mechanic sleep under his car? A. He wanted to wake up oily in the morning #BonBonJokes #solame #ididgigglethough
12:12 AM · Dec 25, 2011
@hamishandandy why did the mechanic sleep under the car? he wanted to wake up oily in the morning #BonBonJoke
6:06 AM · Dec 25, 2011
Confucius Say: Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning.
4:17 PM · Jul 18, 2012
Gustavo Pereira
Confucius Say: Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning.
5:37 PM · Jul 18, 2012
Harry: why did the man sleep under the car?
Idk why?
Harry: So he could wake up oily in the morning
Its funny because oily sounds like early
9:56 PM · Jul 24, 2012
@reemelaraby Harry: Why did the man
sleep under the car?
Interviewer: I don’t know.
Why? Harry: So he could
wake up oily in the
6:40 PM · Jul 28, 2012
Bill Noyes
December 20, 2012 at 9:20 PM ·
The mechanic slept under the car because he wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
Urban Mattress
January 18, 2013 at 11:25 AM ·
Did you hear about the man who slept under an old tractor? He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
Q: Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
A: Because he wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
2:36 AM · Dec 25, 2014
kickypie—Decembe 28, 2023
Did you hear about the Mechanic who slept under the car?
He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
LaughBreak || Dad Jokes ‘N More
Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
2:46 PM · Jan 22, 2024
Dad Jokes
Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
12:06 PM · Jan 24, 2024
Sleeping Mechanic
February 6, 2025 by LaffGaff
Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.