“Where do cars get the most flat tires?”/“Where there is a fork in the road.”

A road riddle is:
Q: Where do cars get the most flat tires?
A: Where there is a fork in the road.

The “fork in the road” joke has been cited in print since at least 1976.
Google Books
Biggest Riddle Book in the World
By Joseph Rosenbloom
Illustrations by Joyce Behr
New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
Pg. 112:
Where do cars get the most flat tires?
Where there is a fork in the road.
6 February 1995, Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN), “Jokes From You,” Home & Garden sec., pg. 24, col. 6:
Q. Where do cars get the most flat tires?
A. Where there’s a fork in the road.
Samantha Mason, St. Paul
1 March 2001, Daily World (Opelousas, LA), “Party Line” by Athalie Dupre, pg. 7A, col. 1:
A Riddle a Day: Question: Where do cars get the most flat tires? Answer: Where there is a fork in the road.
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak 02-07-03
Stan Kegel
Where do cars get the most flat tires?
Where there is a fork in the road. (Marcia, 10)
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak 09-29-03
Stan Kegel
Where do cars get the most flat tires?
Where there is a fork in the road. (Daily Groaner)
Where do cars get the most flat tires? Where there is a fork in the road.
3:23 PM - 14 Sep 2009
8 December 2012. The Dispatch and Rock Island Argus (Rock Island, IL), “Mini ha-has,” pg. B3, col. 6:
Q: Where do cars get the most flat tires?
A: Where there is a fork in the road.
lorraine Jo King
Where do cars get the most flat tires?
Where there is a fork in the road.
2:05 AM - 2 Aug 2018