“What do you call a disobedient kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?”/“A rebel without a Claus.”

A Christmas riddle is:
Q: What do you call a disobedient kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?
A: A rebel without a Claus.

The pun is on the film Rebel Without a Cause (1955). The Santa riddle was posted on the newsgroup eunet.jokes on December 23, 2001.
Wikipedia: Rebel Without a Cause
Rebel Without a Cause is a 1955 American drama film about emotionally confused suburban, middle-class teenagers filmed in CinemaScope. Directed by Nicholas Ray, it offered both social commentary and an alternative to previous films depicting delinquents in urban slum environments. The film stars James Dean, Sal Mineo and Natalie Wood.
The film was a groundbreaking attempt to portray the moral decay of American youth, critique parental style, and explore the differences and conflicts between generations. The title was adopted from psychiatrist Robert M. Lindner’s 1944 book, Rebel Without a Cause: The Hypnoanalysis of a Criminal Psychopath. The film, however, does not make any references to Lindner’s book in any way. Warner Bros. released the film on October 27, 1955.
Google Groups: eunet.jokes
Joke of the Week…
J a s e
Q: What do you call a teenager who doesn’t believe in Santa?
A: A rebel without a Claus!
19 December 2003, The Sun (London, UK), Tim Spanton column, pg. 20:
What do you call a naughty schoolboy who doesn’t believe in Father Christmas?
Rebel without a Claus.
Google Books
Decorations, Feasts, Gifts, Traditions

By David Baird
Octopus Books
Pg. 154:
What do you call someone who doesn’t believe in Father Christmas?
A rebel without a Claus!
Google Groups: Sailor’s Clean Humor
Clean Humor
Q. What do you call someone who doesn’t believe in Father Christmas?
A. A rebel without a Claus!
Google Books
Santa’s Book of Knowledge
By Santa Al Horton
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse
Pg. 323:
What do you call someone who doesn’t believe in Father Christmas?
A rebel without a Claus!
Google Books
Best Christmas Jokes For Kids
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?
A rebel without a Claus
What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus?
submitted December 9, 2016 by ArtandBri
A rebel without a claus.
What do you call a disobedient kid that doesn’t believe in Santa? self.3amjokes
Submitted December 15, 2017 by ButtersTGCall me Butters, ‘cause I’m on a roll.🍰
A rebel without a Claus.