Take A Walk, New York! (TAWNY)

Want to walk New York? Why not go with Take A Walk, New York (TAWNY)? There are several walks each month, and it's free!

Take A Walk, New York!

Do you love New York City? Would you like to explore different New York City neighborhoods and be healthier? Well, if that's the case then Take A Walk, New York! is for you.

Take a Walk New, York! a program of free, guided urban adventure walks taking place on weekends in all five boroughs is about to begin its fifth year. The program is a wonderful way for New Yorkers to walk for health while exploring their city. Take a Walk, New York! is designed and implemented by the Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, and is a component of the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene's Listen to Your Heart Campaign. The Take a Walk, New York! program is open to everyone

Several times a month TAWNYs (Take A Walk, New York! participants) meet at a different location in one of the 5 boroughs to explore a new neighborhood. The walk is free, and usually takes 2-3 hours.

If you are a first-timer to the group you will be given a "passport" and you will receive a "visa stamp" at the end of each walk.

You won't believe what walking can do for your health. Engaging in regular moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking for a half hour on most days, substantially reduces your risk for cardiovascular disease: New York's #1 preventable killer of both men and women. Cardiovascular disease includes heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Regular physical activity can also help prevent diabetes and some cancers, and help you get fit, release tension, and feel more energetic.