Swing Street (52nd Street)

"Swing Street" is the name for 52nd Street. At one time, many swing clubs were located here. The name dates from the swing era of the 1930s.

21 November 1937, New York Times, pg. 179:
Item: "52d Street" was penned by that one-times sign painter, dilettante job printer and veteran script-writer, Grover Jones, as a Hollywood history of Rowdy Row. Mr. Jones must have his history mixed, or Swing Street confused with Vine, or maybe he tried to take in too much territory.

23 July 1942, New York Times, pg. 5:
Swing came out in the open last night and 20,000 New Yorkers jammed a block in West Fifty-second Street to hear the music. From nightfall until nearly dawn name bands from "Swing Street" left their dimly-lighted clubs to "send" their best "jive" under the arc lights.